Dear All Saints Church Family,
In this special week of the March for Life and the celebration of the Catholic Schools week, let us give thanks to God for our lives and each other, especially our parents who gave us birth and their unconditional love. God made us so that we may love each other as He loves us. Each of us and every person, born and not yet born, are precious and sacred to God, and it should be too for all of us. Let us love each other for we are God’s most precious gift to each other. Please pray also for our All Saint students this week. Grade 7: Xitalli (Ci-Ci) Aguilar-Maldonado, Brandon Chandler, Cole Cooper, Julien Dickerson, Mary Catherine Eron, Arianna Guzman, Luis Hernandez, Colton Hill, Alexis Kassman, Isabel Landwehr, Emily Le, Annie Nguyen, Tammy Nguyen, Jesus Rocha, Jr., Joshua Sanchez, Madalyn Spaulding, Alondra Tejeda , Dylann Thompson, James Tran, and Kara Whitaker. Grade 8: Alana Aguilar, Vanessa Goheen, Evelyn Hay, Alyssa Hengel, Ricardo Hernandez-Herrera, Areli Jimenez, Nicholas Kucera, Riley Logan, Kamilah Martinez-Vargas, Ysela Mireles, Link Moore, Tammy A. Nguyen, Teresa Nguyen, Sydney Pham, Jordan Rangel and Holly Smaglik. Catholic Schools Week: Beginning this Sunday, January 27th at our 11am Holy Mass, our All Saints students, teachers and staff will be celebrating our Catholic Schools week. The heartbeat of our All Saints School is Catholicity; that’s being one with Jesus in the sacraments and living out Jesus who is in us toward all people. Please join us for this Holy Mass; our children will wear their school uniforms and do all the liturgical ministries such as singing, greeting, ushering, bringing up the gifts and lectoring. Let us celebrate our faith with our children for they are precious to us. Knight of Columbus Breakfasts: Thank you to our Knights for graciously holding three fund raisings events (Jan. 27, Feb. 17 and March 30) to support our Parish Building Fund. Such a blessing to our church and school! So after our 8, 9:30 and 11am Masses this Sunday, please stop by our Fischer Center for a tasty breakfast (pancakes, biscuits with sausage & gravy, and egg casserole) and to support our Knights. With their efforts and your generosity, we will achieve our goal of $170,000 toward our building fund. Thank you, Fr. Hien Building Fund: From everyone in our church family, we want to thank many individuals and families, parishioners and non-parishioners, who have contributed generously to our building fund. Up to date, we are blessed with $150,017. Every registered parishioner/family was asked for a suggested amount and if you have not contributed yet, please know that we are still waiting for your gift to our parish so that we can reach our goal of $170,000. We are grateful to you and the following donors: Donald Aguilar, Gerald & Joan Aistrup, Robin & Rita Anderson, Ron & Terry Ast, Christina Bais, Vanessa Banh, Vergil & Victoria Barb, Richard & Tena Barber, Stephen & Cynthia Belisle, Marguerite Birzer, Galen & Marigene Bloomer, Lee & Rebecca Bone, Perry Borth, Ellen Brown, Sang & Tran Bui, Liem Bui / Huan Phan, Brian & Allison Campbell, Joy Cash, Ferinando & Carmela Cavallaro, Florence Conner, Tony Dang & Thy Ninh, Flor De Vega, Alonso & Trang DeVega, Thich Dinh & Tien Nguyen, Chau Do & Phuong Le, Lien Do, Van & Nancy Do, Bao Do, Lieu Do, Calvin & Kerry Dodson, Roderick & Janet Duke, Timothy Eckberg, Gary & Mary Faragher, Jean Farmer, Robert & Laura Foster, Robert & Karen Gammon, James Graf, Don & Marilyn Grommesh, Marilyn Gupton, Chris & Cathy Hesse, JB & Phyllis Hickerson, Vanson & Dung Hoang, Robert & Carol Holzman, Max & Sharon Huffman, Nhuy Huynh, Paul & Linda Jabara, Michael & Mary Jenkins, Dorothy Kennedy, Mai Kieu, Steve & Catherine Klinkhammer, Dennis & Joyce Kraus, Toshie Lindlar, James & Kathy Mai, Richard & Carol Malashchuk, Jackie & Darlene Menefee, Jose & Sara Mosqueda, Michael & Sheila Nally, Vu & Vickie Ngo, Bach & Van Nguyen, Lee Thuy Nguyen, Paul Nguyen & Hoa Dang, Son & Thu Nguyen, Nam Nguyen, Thanh Nguyen & Mai T, Victoria Nguyen, Jesse & Kathy Nguyen, Frances & Mary Nguyen, Duc & Teresa Nguyen, Lillie Nguyen, Luan & Lan Nguyen, Dai & Mai Nguyen, Tan Nguyen & Ha Tran, Triky Ninh, Joseph Orozco, Tim & Mary Palmer, Jim & Sara Peters, Dan Pham, Dat Pham & An-Thu, Steve & Sandra Pham, Cuong & Thuy, Boa & Loan Phan, Judith Picard, Rick & Genelle Powell, John Ramirez, Joe & Anne Randolph, Jon & Jane Rea, Walter & Mary Rempe, Tim & Judy Ridder, Richard Ridder, Patricia Rinearson, Paul & Isabel Rivera, Julius & Mary Jane Rohr, Mark Rossillon, Brandon & Diane Ripe, Kenneth & Deborah Sauer, Magdelena Sauerwein, Juliana Schmitt, Anne Schock, Stuart & Susie Scott, Loretta Shark, Alan & Julie Siegman, Victoria Simmons, Elaine Smith, Jim & Jane Spiess, John & Vivian Springbob, Thomas & Heather Stewart, Owen & Lori Strawn, Tiffany Tajchman, Michael Tran & Nhung Dao, Paul & Cecelia Vanderbeke, Joe & Julie Vasquez, Vietnamese Pastoral Council, Vietnamese Food Sales, Vietnamese Prayer Group, David & Cindy Vondracek, Luu Vu, Thuy Vu, Nga Vu, Cindy Vu, Elisa Vu, Thanh Vu & Dieuhien Nguyen, Thao & Nga Vu, Tu Ngoc Vu & Oanh Thi Nguyen, Larry & Phyllis Walker, John Walsh, Carol Warren, Robert & Catalina Weber, Abraham Weiner, Michael Yocum, Leonard & Marg Zarchan, Marshal Ziegler, Charles Steven, Sarah Ball, Huong & Thong Bui, William & Susan Goheen, Joseph & Bill Hotze, Donald & Laura Knipp, Melvin & Laura Leiker, Robert & Rebecca Lies, Richard & Cathy Ludwick, Rory & Teresa McCandless, Rex & Sheryl McKnight, Doris Rohr, Greg & Charlene Versch, Delores Williams, Kim Thuy Thi Phan, Mark & Cindy Little, Minh Tran & Huong Truong, Rick & Debra Koehn, Paul & Connie Stone, Vi & Dinh Nguyen, My Dung Phung, Nam & Mary Duong, Ha & Tam Nguyen, Florentino & Enid Tuason, Patricia Crowe, Hao & Trang Tran, All Saints Altar Society, Juliet Werdann, Brando & Cuc Dao, Danh & Nhu Nguyen, Jason & Kristen Phillips & 10 anonymous donors. My Dear Parishioners,
How are you doing in this new year? I hope 2019 has been good to you. I am thankful to God for my life, my family, friends and parishioners. I pray that everyone will be blessed by God with His peace, love, goodness and the everlasting life of heaven. This week let us keep our beloved parishioners - Abby Aguilar, Hannah Phillips, Rachel and Quang Le, Janet Duke and Sandy Nettleton - along with hundreds of thousands of youth who are in Washington DC for March for Life. May our prayers and their efforts end abortion, so everyone will have the right to life. God made everyone so that we may love Him by loving one another, regardless of how we think/feel about them or how we feel about life. Anyone who loves will be saved and anyone who does not love will be condemned. All Saints is a diverse church family with parishioners from many traditions and cultures. I was born and raised in the Vietnamese culture and language. Due to the Vietnam War, my family and I had to escape in a tiny boat in the Pacific Ocean for freedom. We made it to an island in Malaysia where we were rescued and fed by the Malaysian fishermen; we then lived in many refugee camps of Malaysia and in the Philippines; finally, we were accepted and welcomed to the USA to live for life. America has been our new homeland for the last 32 years and we love it here. I am thankful to God and to all those who have shared their lives, food, country, cultures and traditions with me. America is beautiful because we are like the rainbow in the sky, full of different colors that symbolize hope and life to all. Below is a message in Vietnamese inviting everyone to a special Vietnamese Mass on Tuesday, February 5th at 5:30pm in our church. Tet/Vietnamese New Year is the most important day of the year for the Vietnamese people. Everyone is invited to the Holy Mass followed by a potluck dinner afterwards in the Fischer Center. Come worship with us and celebrate with us! Thánh Lễ Việt Nam: Tết Nguyên đán là ngày quan trọng nhất của dân tộc Việt Nam khắp nơi. Chúng ta hãy đến với Chúa, Mẹ, các Thiên Thần và các Thánh vào lúc 5:30pm ngày đầu năm (Tuesday, February 5) để dâng Thánh Lễ (tiếng Việt, ca đoàn Việt) cầu xin Thiên Chúa cho quê hương Việt Nam, dân tộc Việt Nam khắp nơi, cũng như cầu xin cho gia đình chúng ta được nhiều ơn lành, bình an, hạnh phúc, và được thêm thánh thiện. Sau Thánh Lễ chúng ta sẽ chúc nhau đầu năm, chia sẻ niềm vui năm mới với nhau và qua Fischer Center để ăn tối. Nếu được, xin mỗi gia đình mang một món ăn (potluck) để chia sẻ với mọi người. Giáo Xứ sẽ có Phở Bò cho tất cả mọi người. Hãy đến với Chúa và với nhau trong ngày đầu năm. Kính mời, Fr. Hiển My Dear Parishioners,
Please join me in extending our love, prayer and sympathy to the family of Theona Burgardt. Theona recently passed to eternal life at the age of 87. Her husband James passed away last April. As a church family we prayed for the repose of her soul during our Masses last weekend, and with a rosary on Friday, January 4th prior to her funeral Mass at 10am. May she and our deceased parishioners rest in heavenly peace with God, all the angels and saints. Throughout this new year, please give thanks to God for one another, especially our children. They are God’s gift to us. We are providing a Catholic education to them so that they may love Jesus with all their hearts, minds and souls. Here are the names of our All Saint School students that you can pray for by name. Grade 5 with Mrs. Somes: Jayda Delarue, Alexander Dickerson, Milagros Galarza, Elaine Hesse , Avery Kassman, Andrew Kucera, Isaac Mosqueda, Mia Murguia, Catherine Nguyen, Lac Nguyen, Thinh Nguyen, Thao Pham, Tjaden Pham, Avery Rangel, Leann Tran and Gabriella Trujillo. Middle School Math & Science: Miss Erker, Religion & Social Studies: Mrs. Gengler and English & Literature: Mrs. Greene. Grade 6: Gabrielle Bates, Faith Brown, Nautica Cash, Victoria Cruz, Thieny-Y Do, Jaydin Embry, Jonathan Goheen, Ethan Hay, John Hengel, Adriel Hernandez, Patrick Lawrence, Abigail Le, Lily Logan, Olivia Meier, Faustina Nguyen, Kevin Nguyen, Alex Pham, Skyler Pham, Daniel Rocha, Christopher Sanchez, Alexandria Stewart, Xavier Tejeda and Lia Tran. God bless all our children! Building Fund: From everyone in our church family, we want to thank many individuals and families, parishioners and non-parishioners, who have contributed generously to our building fund. Up to date, we are blessed with $139,867. Every registered parishioner/family was asked for a suggested amount and if you have not contributed yet, please know that we are still waiting for your gift to our parish so that we can reach our goal of $170,000. We are grateful to you and the following donors: Donald Aguilar, Gerald & Joan Aistrup, Robin & Rita Anderson, Ron & Terry Ast, Christina Bais, Vanessa Banh, Vergil & Victoria Barb, Richard & Tena Barber, Stephen & Cynthia Belisle, Marguerite Birzer, Galen & Marigene Bloomer, Lee & Rebecca Bone, Perry Borth, Ellen Brown, Sang & Tran Bui, Liem Bui / Huan Phan, Brian & Allison Campbell, Joy Cash, Ferinando & Carmela Cavallaro, Florence Conner, Tony Dang & Thy Ninh, Flor De Vega, Alonso & Trang DeVega, Thich Dinh & Tien Nguyen, Chau Do & Phuong Le, Lien Do, Van & Nancy Do, Bao Do, Lieu Do, Calvin & Kerry Dodson, Roderick & Janet Duke, Timothy Eckberg, Gary & Mary Faragher, Jean Farmer, Robert & Laura Foster, Robert & Karen Gammon, James Graf, Don & Marilyn Grommesh, Marilyn Gupton, Chris & Cathy Hesse, JB & Phyllis Hickerson, Vanson & Dung Hoang, Robert & Carol Holzman, Max & Sharon Huffman, Nhuy Huynh, Paul & Linda Jabara, Michael & Mary Jenkins, Dorothy Kennedy, Mai Kieu, Steve & Catherine Klinkhammer, Dennis & Joyce Kraus, Toshie Lindlar, James & Kathy Mai, Richard & Carol Malashchuk, Jackie & Darlene Menefee, Jose & Sara Mosqueda, Michael & Sheila Nally, Vu & Vickie Ngo, Bach & Van Nguyen, Lee Thuy Nguyen, Paul Nguyen & Hoa Dang, Son & Thu Nguyen, Nam Nguyen, Thanh Nguyen & Mai T, Victoria Nguyen, Jesse & Kathy Nguyen, Frances & Mary Nguyen, Duc & Teresa Nguyen, Lillie Nguyen, Luan & Lan Nguyen, Dai & Mai Nguyen, Tan Nguyen & Ha Tran, Triky Ninh, Joseph Orozco, Tim & Mary Palmer, Jim & Sara Peters, Dan Pham, Dat Pham & An-Thu, Steve & Sandra Pham, Cuong & Thuy, Boa & Loan Phan, Judith Picard, Rick & Genelle Powell, John Ramirez, Joe & Anne Randolph, Jon & Jane Rea, Walter & Mary Rempe, Tim & Judy Ridder, Richard Ridder, Patricia Rinearson, Paul & Isabel Rivera, Julius & Mary Jane Rohr, Mark Rossillon, Brandon & Diane Ripe, Kenneth & Deborah Sauer, Magdelena Sauerwein, Juliana Schmitt, Anne Schock, Stuart & Susie Scott, Loretta Shark, Alan & Julie Siegman, Victoria Simmons, Elaine Smith, Jim & Jane Spiess, John & Vivian Springbob, Thomas & Heather Stewart, Owen & Lori Strawn, Tiffany Tajchman, Michael Tran & Nhung Dao, Paul & Cecelia Vanderbeke, Joe & Julie Vasquez, Vietnamese Pastoral Council, Vietnamese Food Sales, Vietnamese Prayer Group, David & Cindy Vondracek, Luu Vu, Thuy Vu, Nga Vu, Cindy Vu, Elisa Vu, Thanh Vu & Dieuhien Nguyen, Thao & Nga Vu, Tu Ngoc Vu & Oanh Thi Nguyen, Larry & Phyllis Walker, John Walsh, Carol Warren, Robert & Catalina Weber, Abraham Weiner, Michael Yocum, Leonard & Marg Zarchan, Marshal Ziegler, Charles Steven, Sarah Ball, Huong & Thong Bui, William & Susan Goheen, Joseph & Bill Hotze, Donald & Laura Knipp, Melvin & Laura Leiker, Robert & Rebecca Lies, Richard & Cathy Ludwick, Rory & Teresa McCandless, Rex & Sheryl McKnight, Doris Rohr, Greg & Charlene Versch, Delores Williams, Kim Thuy Thi Phan, Mark & Cindy Little, Minh Tran & Huong Truong, Rick & Debra Koehn, Paul & Connie Stone, Vi & Dinh Nguyen, My Dung Phung, Nam & Mary Duong, Ha & Tam Nguyen, Florentino & Enid Tuason & 10 anonymous donors. My Dear Parishioners,
Happy the Epiphany of the Lord! Our loving God has revealed Himself to us in the person of Jesus to bring us His heavenly peace, love, joy, happiness and everlasting life. Let us love God every moment of our life. May we live to share His heavenly love with one another, especially with those who have not believed Jesus in the Holy Sacraments. In this new year of 2019, please make every effort to receive the Holy Sacraments, especially the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist. Jesus so loves us that He is always ready to bless us and to lift us up to the joyful and happy life. Please make your New Year resolution to pray daily and to attend Holy Mass more often, especially daily Mass or to visit Jesus in adoration. The more we love God, the closer we are to Him. Next weekend, we will celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. Those who were baptized in Christ have become one with Him; we are His holy temples; may we fulfill our baptismal promises by rejecting sin and death and always loving God and one another. The Christmas season will end after the celebration of the Baptism of the Lord. Beginning Monday, January 14th, liturgically we will begin the First Week in Ordinary Time. Finally, I would like to thank everyone for your thoughts, prayers, Christmas cards, gifts and your best wishes. Many of you also shared your cards and goodies with our parish staff. Thank you! We greatly appreciated and enjoyed it all. Thanks, Fr. Hien Building Fund: From everyone in our church family, we want to thank many individuals and families, parishioners and non-parishioners, who have contributed generously to our building fund. Up to date, we are blessed with $122,982. Every registered parishioner/family was asked for a suggested amount and if you have not contributed yet, please know that we are still waiting for your gift to our parish so that we can reach our goal of $170,000. We are grateful to you and the following donors: Donald Aguilar, Gerald & Joan Aistrup, Robin & Rita Anderson, Ron & Terry Ast, Christina Bais, Vanessa Banh, Vergil & Victoria Barb, Richard & Tena Barber, Stephen & Cynthia Belisle, Marguerite Birzer, Galen & Marigene Bloomer, Lee & Rebecca Bone, Perry Borth, Ellen Brown, Sang & Tran Bui, Liem Bui / Huan Phan, Brian & Allison Campbell, Joy Cash, Ferinando & Carmela Cavallaro, Florence Conner, Tony Dang & Thy Ninh, Flor De Vega, Alonso & Trang DeVega, Thich Dinh & Tien Nguyen, Chau Do & Phuong Le, Lien Do, Van & Nancy Do, Bao Do, Lieu Do, Calvin & Kerry Dodson, Roderick & Janet Duke, Timothy Eckberg, Gary & Mary Faragher, Jean Farmer, Robert & Laura Foster, Robert & Karen Gammon, James Graf, Don & Marilyn Grommesh, Marilyn Gupton, Chris & Cathy Hesse, JB & Phyllis Hickerson, Vanson & Dung Hoang, Robert & Carol Holzman, Max & Sharon Huffman, Nhuy Huynh, Paul & Linda Jabara, Michael & Mary Jenkins, Dorothy Kennedy, Mai Kieu, Steve & Catherine Klinkhammer, Dennis & Joyce Kraus, Toshie Lindlar, James & Kathy Mai, Richard & Carol Malashchuk, Jackie & Darlene Menefee, Jose & Sara Mosqueda, Michael & Sheila Nally, Vu & Vickie Ngo, Bach & Van Nguyen, Lee Thuy Nguyen, Paul Nguyen & Hoa Dang, Son & Thu Nguyen, Nam Nguyen, Thanh Nguyen & Mai T, Victoria Nguyen, Jesse & Kathy Nguyen, Frances & Mary Nguyen, Duc & Teresa Nguyen, Lillie Nguyen, Luan & Lan Nguyen, Dai & Mai Nguyen, Tan Nguyen & Ha Tran, Triky Ninh, Joseph Orozco, Tim & Mary Palmer, Jim & Sara Peters, Dan Pham, Dat Pham & An-Thu, Steve & Sandra Pham, Cuong & Thuy, Boa & Loan Phan, Judith Picard, Rick & Genelle Powell, John Ramirez, Joe & Anne Randolph, Jon & Jane Rea, Walter & Mary Rempe, Tim & Judy Ridder, Richard Ridder, Patricia Rinearson, Paul & Isabel Rivera, Julius & Mary Jane Rohr, Mark Rossillon, Brandon & Diane Ripe, Kenneth & Deborah Sauer, Magdelena Sauerwein, Juliana Schmitt, Anne Schock, Stuart & Susie Scott, Loretta Shark, Alan & Julie Siegman, Victoria Simmons, Elaine Smith, Jim & Jane Spiess, John & Vivian Springbob, Thomas & Heather Stewart, Owen & Lori Strawn, Tiffany Tajchman, Michael Tran & Nhung Dao, Paul & Cecelia Vanderbeke, Joe & Julie Vasquez, Vietnamese Pastoral Council, Vietnamese Food Sales, Vietnamese Prayer Group, David & Cindy Vondracek, Luu Vu, Thuy Vu, Nga Vu, Cindy Vu, Elisa Vu, Thanh Vu & Dieuhien Nguyen, Thao & Nga Vu, Tu Ngoc Vu & Oanh Thi Nguyen, Larry & Phyllis Walker, John Walsh, Carol Warren, Robert & Catalina Weber, Abraham Weiner, Michael Yocum, Leonard & Marg Zarchan, Marshal Ziegler, Charles Steven, Sarah Ball, Huong & Thong Bui, William & Susan Goheen, Joseph & Bill Hotze, Donald & Laura Knipp, Melvin & Laura Leiker, Robert & Rebecca Lies, Richard & Cathy Ludwick, Rory & Teresa McCandless, Rex & Sheryl McKnight, Doris Rohr, Greg & Charlene Versch, Delores Williams & 10 anonymous donors. Happy New Year Everyone,
Blessings be to you all from our Lord Jesus, our Blessed Mother Mary, her chaste spouse St. Joseph, and all the angels and saints. May this new year bring you God’s blessings full of faith, hope, love and good health of your body, mind and soul. Please know that each day of your life is a gift from God so that you may love God, trust in Him, worship Him, serve Him and bring His love and joy to others. Please join me for the special Holy Mass of Obligation to ask our Blessed Mother Mary, the Mother of God – Jesus - to pray for us and our family and friends. Our Masses are Monday, December 31st at 6:30pm and Tuesday, January 1st at 8am and 9:30am. On this New Year’s Day, Tuesday, January 1st at 10am, at the Cathedral, let us join our Bishop Carl Kemme as he consecrates our diocese of Wichita to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Mary prays for us, our diocese and all people throughout the world to love our Lord Jesus by loving one another as ourselves. Here is a special prayer Bishop has asked us to pray: Most Holy Virgin Mary, tender Mother of all, we consecrate the Catholic Diocese of Wichita all our parishes, schools, religious institutes, chapels, hospitals, clinics, all our ministries, all our families and each and every person to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, O Queen of the Most Holy Rosary. Please accept our consecration, Dearest Mother, and use us as you wish to accomplish your designs upon the world. O sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary and Queen of the world, rule over us together with the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, Our King. Save us from the spreading flood of paganism, relativism, heresy and apostasy. Kindle in our hearts and homes the love of purity, the practice of virtuous life, an ardent zeal for souls, a deeper love for Christ your Son in the Eucharist and fidelity to all the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church We come with confidence to you, O Throne of Grace and Mother of Fair Love. Inflame us with the same Divine Fire which has in flamed your own Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart. Make our hearts and homes your shrine and through us make the Heart of Jesus together with you rule triumphant in every heart and home. Amen Building Fund: From everyone in our church family, we want to thank many individuals and families, parishioners and non-parishioners, who have contributed generously to our building fund. Up to date, we are blessed with $122,982. Every registered parishioner/family was asked for a suggested amount and if you have not contributed yet, please know that we are still waiting for your gift to our parish so that we can reach our goal of $170,000. We are grateful to you and the following donors: Donald Aguilar, Gerald & Joan Aistrup, Robin & Rita Anderson, Ron & Terry Ast, Christina Bais, Vanessa Banh, Vergil & Victoria Barb, Richard & Tena Barber, Stephen & Cynthia Belisle, Marguerite Birzer, Galen & Marigene Bloomer, Lee & Rebecca Bone, Perry Borth, Ellen Brown, Sang & Tran Bui, Liem Bui / Huan Phan, Brian & Allison Campbell, Joy Cash, Ferinando & Carmela Cavallaro, Florence Conner, Tony Dang & Thy Ninh, Flor De Vega, Alonso & Trang DeVega, Thich Dinh & Tien Nguyen, Chau Do & Phuong Le, Lien Do, Van & Nancy Do, Bao Do, Lieu Do, Calvin & Kerry Dodson, Roderick & Janet Duke, Timothy Eckberg, Gary & Mary Faragher, Jean Farmer, Robert & Laura Foster, Robert & Karen Gammon, James Graf, Don & Marilyn Grommesh, Marilyn Gupton, Chris & Cathy Hesse, JB & Phyllis Hickerson, Vanson & Dung Hoang, Robert & Carol Holzman, Max & Sharon Huffman, Nhuy Huynh, Paul & Linda Jabara, Michael & Mary Jenkins, Dorothy Kennedy, Mai Kieu, Steve & Catherine Klinkhammer, Dennis & Joyce Kraus, Toshie Lindlar, James & Kathy Mai, Richard & Carol Malashchuk, Jackie & Darlene Menefee, Jose & Sara Mosqueda, Michael & Sheila Nally, Vu & Vickie Ngo, Bach & Van Nguyen, Lee Thuy Nguyen, Paul Nguyen & Hoa Dang, Son & Thu Nguyen, Nam Nguyen, Thanh Nguyen & Mai T, Victoria Nguyen, Jesse & Kathy Nguyen, Frances & Mary Nguyen, Duc & Teresa Nguyen, Lillie Nguyen, Luan & Lan Nguyen, Dai & Mai Nguyen, Tan Nguyen & Ha Tran, Triky Ninh, Joseph Orozco, Tim & Mary Palmer, Jim & Sara Peters, Dan Pham, Dat Pham & An-Thu, Steve & Sandra Pham, Cuong & Thuy, Boa & Loan Phan, Judith Picard, Rick & Genelle Powell, John Ramirez, Joe & Anne Randolph, Jon & Jane Rea, Walter & Mary Rempe, Tim & Judy Ridder, Richard Ridder, Patricia Rinearson, Paul & Isabel Rivera, Julius & Mary Jane Rohr, Mark Rossillon, Brandon & Diane Ripe, Kenneth & Deborah Sauer, Magdelena Sauerwein, Juliana Schmitt, Anne Schock, Stuart & Susie Scott, Loretta Shark, Alan & Julie Siegman, Victoria Simmons, Elaine Smith, Jim & Jane Spiess, John & Vivian Springbob, Thomas & Heather Stewart, Owen & Lori Strawn, Tiffany Tajchman, Michael Tran & Nhung Dao, Paul & Cecelia Vanderbeke, Joe & Julie Vasquez, Vietnamese Pastoral Council, Vietnamese Food Sales, Vietnamese Prayer Group, David & Cindy Vondracek, Luu Vu, Thuy Vu, Nga Vu, Cindy Vu, Elisa Vu, Thanh Vu & Dieuhien Nguyen, Thao & Nga Vu, Tu Ngoc Vu & Oanh Thi Nguyen, Larry & Phyllis Walker, John Walsh, Carol Warren, Robert & Catalina Weber, Abraham Weiner, Michael Yocum, Leonard & Marg Zarchan, Marshal Ziegler, Charles Steven and 10 anonymous donors. Thank you and God bless your trust in Him, from All Saints Church Family! |
AuthorFather Hien Nguyen Categories |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |