My Dear Parishioners,
Are you ready for some fun this Labor Day weekend? Please celebrate and have lots of fun with your family and friends this special weekend. Everyone deserves a big celebration for they have worked hard for the good of others. Don’t forget to always be safe in your travels and to be safe while having fun, especially if you are in a secluded area or playing in the lake. Be sure to attend Holy Mass to give thanks and praise to God. Visit for Masses near your traveling area. We need God in our lives and in our country, especially in our government and in the Catholic Church. God bless America and all those who live in it. As citizens of this Christian country, please know that you have contributed much toward her with your love, prayers and hard work. Your dedication and commitment to our country are bearing fruit for the good of this generation and the generations to come. On this Labor Day weekend, let us thank God for those who have contributed to the prosperity and the well-being of everyone in America and the whole world. PSR classes will begin Wednesday evening, Sep. 5th with Holy Mass in Church. Everyone is invited to join our children and me for Holy Mass. Again, children that are not attending Catholic school need to attend our religion program so that they may learn more about our Lord, and to receive their sacraments in the church. We are to know God, love God and serve Him. Our confirmation class will meet every other Sunday from 9:30am to 10:50am. Again, if anyone has an interest in becoming a Catholic, he/she must attend our RCIA classes before entering the Catholic Church at Easter Vigil. Sympathy is extended to the family of Romeo Rustia, especially to his wife Cristina. Romeo was put to rest on Thursday, August 23rd. In our foyer, we have a special area to remember our military heroes and those who have passed to eternal life in our parish or among our families and friends. You are welcome to post a funeral obituary so that others can learn about your loved ones and pray for them. Please do not remove the obituary pamphlets from this bulletin board. Finally, thank you to those who attended our liturgical training in church last Wednesday night. Please know that we are blessed with your love for our Lord in our church with your volunteer ministries. Thank you! Again, we would love to have more help if you can volunteer, including musicians and cantors. I encourage every family to be more involved in our church, such as bringing up the gifts as a family, ushering and welcoming people as a family, etc... You can also help clean our church as a family. Please try to do more things together as a family so that your children can be involved and fall in love with their Catholic faith. Happy Labor Day weekend, Fr. Hien PS. I’m still praying daily for those who are sick among us and also for God’s blessings upon my parishioners. My Dear Parishioners,
Everyone knows that life is not perfect, like last Sunday at our 11am Holy Mass, which we had to celebrate in darkness due to the electricity going out for hours. Thanks be to God that we made it through, although it was a little hot in church. Personally, I was exhausted because I was so hot and I had to project my voice so that everyone could hear me. My life for the last two months has been pretty crazy & busy, with all kinds of meetings and decision-making for our church and school. I have met with many people for their various needs such as weddings, annulments, baptisms, etc... The better part of my life has been being with people over our parish events and being with our All Saints school children since school started. I enjoy visiting with them whenever I can in their classrooms, in the hallways, in the cafeteria, etc.… We are blessed with such a great group of children. I love them and sometimes I wish to be like them for they are fully of energy, life, love and joy. God bless our children. PSR: Parents, if your child is not attending a Catholic school, you are obligated before God to continue forming your child in the way of faith. Please be sure to register your child for our Parish School of Religion (PSR) program on Wednesday nights for about an hour-long class. If they are of high school age, they need to attend our confirmation program so that they may be confirmed next Spring by our Bishop. Your child can never be a godparent until he/she is confirmed. Our PSR and Confirmation programs are starting soon. RCIA: Anyone who would like to learn more about our Catholic faith or wishes to become Catholic, please attend our RCIA classes. This year, we will also have an RCIA program in Vietnamese starting Saturday, September 15th after 4pm Mass. Liturgical Training/Meeting: For our current sacristans, ushers & greeters, Extra-ordinary Eucharistic ministers and lectors in church this Wednesday, August 29th, at 7pm, to go over the duties. Please know that we need more volunteers serving in these ministries. On the same day at 6:20pm, I would like to meet with our current altar servers (except those attending All Saints Catholic School for I have already taught them) for a quick re-training lesson. Please come so that you may learn about the changes to the procession, use of the patens at the Holy Communion lines, how to ring the bells 4 times during Mass, etc.…. I understand that not everyone, both adults and servers, can attend these special meetings; however, please be willing to talk or visit with someone who attended the trainings and learn from them. We all can learn from one another and we all can serve God today. LPI Publications is our bulletin provider. They will have a booth in the foyer on Sunday, August 26th. A representative will be available to meet those who have an interest in advertising with them. We thank LPI Publications for providing us with our free bulletins. Please support them by advertising with them. In addition, in a few weeks, LPI will give us extra space in the bulletin so that our school principal and teachers can share their school experience and activities with the whole parish. Please be sure to read our weekly bulletin and register your email with our parish. Love, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Blessings from our God be with you all, especially to those who observed the Solemnity of the Assumption of our Mother Mary to heaven on August 15th. Mary is very important to every person on earth. She is our Blessed Mother who loves us unconditionally. She will always pray for every person until we are in heaven with God. Mary will never reject anyone who asks for her help/intercession. As a church family, we will always pray to Mary for one another, especially those who have passed to eternal life like Evelyn Palmer, Matthew Klangos and Andrew Mazurek. Both Matthew and Andy passed away at a young age. Our sympathy and prayers are extended to their families and friends. May they rest in peace with God and with all the angels and saints. God bless them all. Thank you everyone for joining our children, teachers and staff for their back-to-school party last Sunday. The turnout was great, and the food was plentiful. Thank you to my brother Knights for cooking the hamburgers and hot dogs. I would like to ask our church family to continue supporting and praying for our children, their teachers and our church and school staff. I am excited to be with our children, teachers, staff and to meet so many members of our church and school family. Later, I will share with you the names of our students, teachers and staff so that we can pray for them by name. Please join our children for Holy Mass on Wednesdays and Fridays at 8am. Occasionally we will have adoration together after Mass. My goal is to help our children love Jesus today with all their hearts, minds and souls. To help our children know, love and serve Jesus, especially at Holy Mass, I am working with our school teachers to form a children’s choir. These children, 5th grade to 8th grade, will sing at our Sunday Holy Masses, hopefully twice a month. In addition, I am also looking for adult volunteers to form an All Saints High School Youth Mass. The high schoolers would serve as altar servers, lectors, ushers, greeters and even Extra-ordinary ministers (once they are trained and certified). I am also hoping to have a youth choir lead singing twice a month. Please pray for our children and the good-hearted parishioners who will be helping our children in their faith and love for their Catholic faith. Liturgical Training/Meeting: I would like to meet with our current sacristans, ushers & greeters, Extra-ordinary Eucharistic ministers and lectors in church on Wed., August 29th, at 7pm, to go over our ministry duties and to answer questions that anyone might have. We would love to have more volunteers serve in these ministries, including our Hispanic and Asian parishioners. Please know that our church can use your help today. I am here to help you serve our Lord. It’s not hard if your heart is willing. Please be willing to serve our Lord. On the same day at 6:20pm, I would like to meet with our current altar servers (except those attending All Saints Catholic School) for a quick re-training lesson. Please come so that you may learn more and be more confident in what you are doing during Holy Mass. There are new changes such as how to process in and out correctly, how to use the patens at the Holy Communion lines, how to ring the bells 4 times during Mass, etc.…. Love you all, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Blessings from our Lord be with you all. Please join me in welcoming back our students, teachers and staff to our All Saints Catholic School. This Sunday, August 12th at 5pm, every parishioner, especially school families and our students, are invited for a cookout full of food and fun for everyone. Let us welcome back our children, teachers and staff for the new academic year. Let us make it a great, fun and successful school year. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided for everyone. Please come to eat and to support our children in their education and formation. We will kick off the new school year on Thursday, August 16th. Again, parents, if you have not registered your child for Catholic education, please do so ASAP. We are here to help your child’s education and the formation of his/her heart and soul. If you want your child to be loving, kind, respectful with a positive attitude, wanting to be successful in life and to be faith-filled, then you must give him/her Jesus today. We would love to have your child with us at our school. Holy Day of Obligation: This Wednesday, August 15th is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Holy Masses are Tuesday, 6:30pm, Wednesday at 8am and 12noon. Every person is obligated to attend this Holy Mass. Please don’t be late for any Mass. This Mass will be like a Sunday Mass; therefore, we will need our liturgical ministers to carry out their roles like usual. Thank you! Please join me in extending our love, prayer and sympathy to the family of Evelyn Palmer who passed to eternal life on Tuesday, July 31st. Evelyn was a long-time parishioner of our church family. We will surely pray for the repose of her soul at all Masses this weekend. Her funeral Mass was celebrated on Friday, August 3rd. May she rest in peace with God for all eternity. Thank you, Evelyn, for your faith, love and years of ministry in our church. God bless you with the everlasting life of heaven. It is so good to be back home from the Marian Days and sleep in my own bed. It was fun. I got to visit many of my relatives and priest friends from many states. The highlight of my days was helping people with confessions and celebrating Holy Mass with our Bishop Kemme. He loves Marian Days. I am looking forward to this special event next year. Liturgical Training/Meeting: I would like to meet with our current sacristans, ushers & greeters, Extra-ordinary Eucharistic ministers and our lectors in church on Wednesday, August 29th at 7pm, to go over our ministry duties and to answer any questions that anyone might have. It would be a great blessing to our church if we would have more volunteers to serve in these ministries, including our Hispanic and Asian parishioners. Please know that our church can use your help in these areas. I am here to help you to serve our Lord. It’s not hard if your heart is willing. Please be willing to serve our Lord today. On the same day at 6:20pm, I would like to meet with our current altar servers (Except those attending All Saints Catholic School) for a quick re-training lesson. Please come so that you may learn more and be more confident in what you are doing during Holy Mass. Some new changes are: how to process in and out correctly, how to use the three patens at the Holy Communion lines, how to ring the bells 4 times during Mass, etc.… Thank you for your ministries, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Beginning this Thursday, August 2nd to Sunday, August 5th, most of the Vietnamese parishioners and I will be attending the Marian Days in Carthage, Missouri with our Bishop Kemme. This annual event holds about 60,000 to 80,000 people from all over the world, including hundreds of priests and religious sisters from Vietnam. I have been attending this conference since I first came to America in 1986. I enjoy going there to be with my family and to visit with my relatives from New Jersey, Alabama, and Texas. Also, I want to thank God for my life and my vocation. It was God who saved my family and I and brought us to this blessed nation. Of course, I love to profess my faith among thousands of Catholics. As a priest, I con-celebrate Mass twice a day and hear about four hours of confessions every day. The most confessions I have ever heard was seven hours, which was not even half of the confessions St. John Vianney, patron saint of priests, heard in one day. He heard about fourteen to sixteen hours of confessions a day. Please know that this pilgrimage is important to me for I will help many people reconcile with God. Of course, I will pray for my parishioners every day at Holy Mass. I am sure when I am back I will be very tired, but not as tired as those attending Marian Days who sleep outside in tents in hot and wet weather, if it rains. All the priests share rooms, about six to seven priests in one room. Some priests snore like a mower and others often wakeup in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I hope you know that priests are human like everyone else. How about women? Do women snore? Or talk in their sleep? Welcome Rev. Kenneth Van Haverbeke: Father will be celebrating all weekend Masses while I am in Carthage for the Marian Days. Father will hear confessions only on Saturday before 4pm Mass and Sunday before 8am Mass. Those of you who once were a parishioner of Fr. Ken, a member of Church of the Magdalen on Kellogg and Woodlawn, please give Fr. Ken a hard time for me. Tell him that he is having an easy priestly job for not being a pastor of a parish. Just kidding! Please know that Father is very smart and sweet and he will enjoy your greetings after Mass. Please thank him in person for me. Due to the many Vietnamese parishioners who will be in Carthage with me, and many of the faithful who will be attending the Midwest Catholic Conference in downtown Wichita this weekend, please sit in the front pews at Mass so that Father doesn’t have to preach to empty pews. Thank you for your cooperation. Finally, parents, if you have not registered your child/children for Catholic education, please do so. God entrusted them to you so that you may love them and raise them—as Catholics, especially intellectually and spiritually. All Saints Catholic school is here to help you in your children’s education and the formation of their hearts and souls. If you want your child/children to be loving, kind, respectful with a positive attitude, wanting to be successful in life and to be faith-filled, then you must give them a Catholic Education when they are young. Bring your child/children to Jesus for He loves them all. Bring them to Jesus, Fr. Hien P.S: There will be no Daily Mass on Thursday, August 2nd and Friday, August 3rd. |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |