My Dear Parishioners,
God bless you and your loved ones. We give thanks to God for one another, especially our children at All Saints Catholic school. They are God’s gift to us. They love Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and in adoration and benediction. Last Friday, they prayed from their hearts to Jesus and went to confession during adoration. Jesus loves them dearly. Please keep praying daily for our All Saints students, teachers and staff. Catholic education is extremely important to our church family. We need our children to learn their Catholic faith today and to truly love Jesus with all their hearts. Here are the names of our students that you can pray for by name this week. 2nd Graders with Miss Miranowski: CJ Bramhall, Anthony Bui, John Do, Caleb Guzman, Beyonca Irwin, Alejandro Jimenez, Minh Le, Zemirah Melton, Daniel Miller, Justin Pham, Jamal Rolfe-Murray and Olive Tajchman. 3rd Graders with Miss Albert: Ariel Adcock, Mary Bui, Tin Bui, Michael DeVega, Juan Galarza, Alyssa Lawrence, Olivia LeDonne, Cecilia Meier, Audreey Nguyen, Quan Nguyen, Lebron Oduor, Savannah Pham, Josef Rumback, Giovany Sanchez, Lucas Stewart, Mateo Vargas and Wess Whitaker. 4th Graders with Mrs. Plummer: Zoey Buckner-Franklin, Jayden Dao, Danh Hoang, Megan Huynh, Lawrence Landwehr, Adrian Luna, Maximiliano (Max) Maldonado, Jonan Moore, Angelina Nguyen, Giselle Perez, Jordan Pham, Kenney Pham, Ann Marie Phillips, Anne Tran and Eileena Wheaton. God bless all our children! Parishioners, please understand that Catholic Education at All Saints Elementary School, and Kapaun Mt. Carmel and Bishop Carrol High Schools, is a privilege given by our parish to families that believe in it and support it with their time, talent and treasure. A special thanks to many parishioners who have returned their stewardship package with their pledge and have been fulfilling it. Thank you! We are blessed from your commitment and sacrifices to God in our parish for the good and the salvation of one another. Unfortunately, we still have many families, including school families, who have not returned their stewardship package, nor have they been financially supporting their child/children with their tithe. Please know that our parish has many bills to pay, such as about $30,000 monthly to Kapaun Mt. Carmel and Bishop Carrol High Schools. As a church family, we really want to support our young men and women in Catholic Education, unless the child/student will not take Catholic education seriously or when their parents fail to support our parish with their tithe or when someone takes advantage of our limited church funds. We are here to help those who desire our help and who won’t waste our time, effort, resources and finances. Thank you to most parishioners who do not have a child/children in Catholic schools who have been tithing to our parish. As a church family, we expect all parishioners, including parents with a child/children, to do the same. Everyone needs to make sacrifices before God for the good our children and our church family. Everyone can tithe regardless of their income. We are to contribute from what we have received. Finally, please know that I will continue praying for you, especially at my Liturgy of the Hours and at Holy Mass. Please do the same for me and our children when you can. Don’t forget to attend our Holy Masses, weekend and weekday, to become one with our Lord Jesus and to be Christlike to each other. P.S. Please don’t come to church late. Every second of every minute counts. Love you all, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Wow, we got so much rain last week. This week, the weather is much more favorable in Kansas than for those who are on the east coast with the hurricane Florence. We pray that no one will get hurt from the hurricane. Whether it’s hot or cold or rain or snow, our love for God and for one another will always be there and real. Please join me in praying daily for our All Saint students, teachers and staff. Catholic education is extremely important to our church family. We need our children to learn their Catholic faith today. We also want our children to learn all that they can learn today. We want them to be great and successful men and women in all the years to come. We are here to love them and to provide the best education for them. Here are the names of some of our beloved students that you can pray for by name this week. Pre-Kindergarten with Mrs. Kilian: Jackson Bulson, Mylia Huynh, Marcos LeDonne, Apple Nguyen, Michael Prelle and Brantley Rupe. Kindergarten with Mrs. Hansen: Nicole Bramhall, Vivianne Bui, Michael Bulson, Jase Cash, David Dang, Elianna Guzman, Emma Hay, Lauren Huynh, Joseph Kassman, Dat Le, Anthony LeDonne, Xavier Oduor, Naomi Rocha, Noemi Rocha, Yajaira Rocha and Eloise Rumback. 1st Grade with Ms. Moore: Neal Atsou-Dzini, Nolan Atsou-Dzini, Yenna Chang, Katherine Diaz-Vargas, Jennifer Do, Michael Eastman, Aria Henry, Angel Hoang, Joseph Le, Dawson Lippert, Eva Loveall, Baylee Medicus, Khloe Moore, Ailyn Mora Salomon, Kathlene Navarrete, Hoc Nguyen, Lucia Rolfe-Murray, Ilyana Romero, Xavier Romero, Jocelyn Stewart, Jenna Thompson, Emilio Vargas and Ian Wheaton. Please know that our children, teachers and staff pray daily for you, particularly at the beginning and end of their school day and especially when they are in church for Holy Mass. You are important to them for you are their parents, grandparents, guardians and church members who support Catholic education and formation. Thank you! The mission of All Saints Catholic School is: All Saints Catholic School with the guidance of the Church and the support of parents and parish, forms students into disciples of Christ who are academically and spiritually prepared to live as faithful stewards in a diverse world. "Church, Parents, Parish, School - Forming disciples of Christ and faithful Stewards" Thank You: Please join me in thanking God for the stewardship of Helen Wales as chairperson of our parish council for years. Recently Helen informed me of her resignation as the chairperson of the parish council due to her family stressful/health issues. Thank you, Helen, for your dedicated ministry. Here is a letter I wrote to her: Dear Helen, God's blessing be with you. Sandy shared with me your email/letter of resignation. I want to thank you for the many years of your love and service to our church family. I know that you love your parish. Please continue loving and serving our Lord in other ministries that you love and always take good care of your family, especially your husband. I will pray for both of you. Thank you and God Bless, Fr. Hien. All the Saints in heaven pray for us, Fr. Hien My Beloved Parishioners,
How was your Labor Day weekend? Did you enjoy your family, especially your little ones since they were off from school? My Labor Day was full of labor work. With the approval of the diocese, our parish recently bought the red brick house west of the rectory. I was told that the diocese and the parish have been wanting to buy this house for the last 30 years as an addition to our property. Our main reason for buying this house is to prevent a commercial business being put in so near to our church or to have any neighbors so close to us for the years to come. The process of buying this house started last April or even earlier than that when Fr. H was still here. Our Parish Council and Finance Committee were also involved in this process. Finally, we were able to close this house last Friday, August 31. For this reason, I have been working over there on my Labor Day. I did have some time off to have my Labor Day dinner at my sister’s house. Today as I am writing this message, I am a little beat up and tired. Since the day I arrived at All Saints, I have been working with two contractors to see what needs to be done and how much it would cost to fix and renovate it as a priest’s residence. More details about the house will be shared with you in my personal letter to every family which will be coming soon. Last Saturday, I showed the house to our Parish Council and Finance Committee. I also shared with them my vision and plans for fixing and renovating the house to accommodate two priests living in different parts of the house. My plan is to make this house a long-lasting house for our church. Please pray for me and those who will be working on it, including our volunteers. I am sorry that I can’t show it now while it’s under construction. Once it’s done, I will be happy to show it to everyone. PLEASE be patient for it’s a virtue and you must pray for it and work at it daily. Sympathy is extended to the family of Glyn Laird, especially his wife Carol. Glyn passed to eternal life on Tuesday, August 28th and his funeral Mass was celebrated last Friday, August 31st, here in our church. God bless his soul and the souls of our loved ones. Glyn was a Vietnam Veteran, a first Sergeant, and a retired Air Force Flight Engineer. He was a loving father, grandfather and great-grandfather. I was so happy to see some of our All Saints children attend his funeral Mass. When someone dies among us, I strongly encourage everyone, especially those who are available during the day such as those who are retired, to attend their funeral Mass. We must support each other in times of sorrow and sadness. We can’t be too busy to comfort those full of sorrow. Our prayers bring healing, peace and hope to them. Of course, our prayers also lead souls to heaven. Religion Classes: Our PSR classes are in session. Please pray for our children. Our RCIA is also in session. The RCIA class in Vietnamese will start on Saturday, September 15th. Finally, Brother Knights, please join me for our monthly meeting this Monday, September 10th. We will start with a rosary, a dinner and then I will give a talk. I would love to see many brother Knights attend this special evening. Thanks for all the work you have helped me with in our church and school since the day I arrived. The parish and I are blessed with your many good works. God bless everyone, Fr. Hien |
AuthorFather Hien Nguyen Categories |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |