My Dear Parishioners,
Welcome to the new liturgical season of Advent. During Advent, the Gloria will not be used until Christmas. Advent candles will be lit. Everyone, please consider joining our Christmas choir to sing praise to God for our Christmas Masses. God would love to hear from your voice and heart. Please contact Sandy for more information. Also, to prepare your heart and soul to celebrate the birthday of Jesus, please consider going to confession sometime between now and Christmas day. I normally hear confessions about 20 minutes before every weekend Mass in the west confessional. Our parish penance service with guest priests will be Sunday, December 16th from 4pm to 5pm. Come & go as you wish. Please know that no priest will be available to hear confessions on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. RCIA: This weekend at our 4pm Saturday Mass, we will have a ceremony to welcome those who are in the RCIA to become Catholics at the Easter Vigil. Please keep our candidates in your prayer. Building Fund: Our goal is $170,000. Thankfully we are blessed with $72,734 so far from about 97 parishioners and some non-parishioners who have donated generously to our Building Fundraising. We will continue to thank God for them and their generous gifts. Soon, we will recognize them in the bulletin. If you wish to remain anonymous, please let Barb, our bookkeeper, know. For confidentiality, we will never reveal the donation dollar amount of individuals, only the total sum. Did You Know? Beside the many bills to maintain our church and school, pay our employees and their healthcare insurance, and pay so many utility bills, we also must pay our high school bills and other bills to the diocese. Here are some figures we were assessed by the diocese to pay by May 2019. Direct payment to Kapaun Mount Carmel & Bishop Carrol high schools of $236,900. This is for the education of our All Saints high school students. The diocese also adds an additional $93,600 as subsidy to the high schools. Our total annual bill toward the high schools is $330,500. As of today, we were able to pay only $34,000. As of December 1, 2018, we are behind in our payments to KMC & Bishop Carrol high schools and to the diocese of $124,888.88. Not only that, we must pay 10% tithe to the diocese from our weekly collections. As of December 1, 2018, we are $8,316 behind in stewardship payments to the diocese. Therefore, with Christmas coming, if you can, would you consider gifting/helping our parish with some of these bills or toward the building fund to pay for the recently finished and the current projects. Thank you! Holy Day of Obligation: Saturday, December 8th is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Holy Masses are Friday at 6:30pm, and Saturday at 8am and 9:30am. Our Saturday evening Mass stays the same at 4pm for the 2nd Sunday of Advent (this Mass does not fulfill the obligation of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary). Please be super nice to me this Saturday & Sunday for I’ll have 6 Masses in two days - just kidding! This weekend, please support our parish with our food sales after every Mass this weekend. Please buy some to-go boxes of food for your family and friends or to eat authentic Vietnamese soups such as PHO in our parish hall. There will be many varieties of Vietnamese food for everyone. My duty is to grill about 100 lbs of meat for the sale. Our goal is $4,000 toward our building fund. With prayer & love, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving together over great food and personal time with each other. God dwells in every person and especially in every family. Your family is the foundation of our faith. You are meant to be with each other in this life and forever in heaven. Please love each other, pray for each other and give thanks to God for each other, including those who have died in your family. Thank God for the gifts of their love, kindness and thoughtfulness. God bless your family forever. The new liturgical season of Advent will start at our 4pm Mass, December 1st, with the new liturgical year of Cycle C. All the readings for weekend Masses for the next liturgical year will be taken from Cycle C. During Advent, the Gloria will not be used until Christmas. Advent candles will be lit. This weekend at our 4pm Saturday Mass, we will have a ceremony to welcome those who are in the RCIA to become Catholics at the Easter Vigil. To prepare for Christmas, the birthday of our Lord Jesus, please consider going to confession sometime between now and then. I hear confessions about 20 minutes before every weekend Mass. Please know that no priest will be available to hear confessions on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. All Saints Church Building Fund: Thank you to so many generous parishioners who have donated to our Building Fund to pay for the new lights in our church and the many other projects that were done and are still being worked on. Every family in our parish has been asked to contribute for we are a church family. We are to share the same responsibility to help pay the bills and to keep up our buildings. Thankfully we are blessed with $61,539.00 so far from about 80 parishioners who have donated to our Building Fundraising. That’s only about 13.6% percent of our registered parishioners. Our goal is $170,000. Furthermore, for the love of our church family and God, I suggest that every group or organization of our parish contribute 10%-25% from their savings to the Building Fund or hold a fundraising event for the parish in the next few months. Also, as a stewardship parish, anytime that anyone or any group, including our All Saints School, makes a profit from their activities or sales, I suggest that 10% of their profit be donated to our church family. This is an important practice in our church family and a great example to our children to put God first and to always be thankful for what we have. Finally, this coming weekend, December 1st & 2nd, the Vietnamese parishioners of our parish will sell food after every Mass. Please consider buying some to-go-boxes of food for your family and friends or to eat authentic Vietnamese soups in our parish hall to support our parish. There will be lots of food for sale. Holy Day of Obligation: Saturday, December 8th is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Holy Masses are Friday at 6:30pm, and Saturday at 8am and 9:30am. Our Saturday evening Mass stays the same at 4pm for the 2nd Sunday of Advent (this Mass does not fulfill the obligation of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary). Finally, thank you everyone for joining the Vietnamese Catholics of our diocese with our Bishop Kemme to celebrate the Vietnamese Martyrs celebration last weekend in our parish. Wow, there was a lot of people and the food was great. May God bless you much for you have loved Him much like the martyrs and saints, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Are you ready for Thanksgiving? It is coming on Thursday, November 22nd. We will have a special Mass on Thanksgiving Day at 8am. Please join me in giving our thanks and praise to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us, our families and church. God always blesses those who thank Him. Thank You: A special thank you to our All Saints Catholic school children for leading us in singing at Holy Mass last weekend. Please know that we love you and you are important to our church and families. A special thanks to our school principal, our school parents and many volunteer parishioners to make this event possible. I can’t wait to have our children singing again for us on Sunday, December 9th. Cantors & Musicians Needed: Parishioners, our church family needs volunteer musicians for our Holy Masses – from cantors and those who could join our adult choir, to those who can play an instrument such as an organ, piano or even guitar. We would love to have your service and talent used for God in our church. If you are interested or want more details, please contact the church office. Thank you for considering to serve God in these ministries. I’m still wishing to have a youth choir and a Spanish choir in our church, for we are a church family full of children, youth and adults from many cultures and languages. Our church family will be fully alive when we serve God together and help each other in praising and worshiping God from our hearts. House Update: Since September, we have poured 10 trucks of concrete for the new chapel area, for the new trashcan area and the new driveway between the church office and our newly purchased house. That’s a lot of concrete if you know what I mean. More concrete will be poured next year to keep water from damaging our buildings. The construction people and Lewis Street Glass have been working on the windows. Anderson Windows were installed. In the next few months, we will fix the interior of the house, such as lots of sheet rock, new paint, plumbing, new bathroom toilets and vanities, and fix the old hardwood floors. Church Lights Update: All the new LED lights in the church, plus all the lights near the interior doors to the church areas, are installed. They are so bright, especially around the altar, the tabernacle, the statues and the Stations of the Cross. Thank you for your generous donations that have made this possible. May these lights and the new angel statues in our church remind you of your financial contribution to our church that made this possible. If you have not donated to our Building Fund yet, please know that we are waiting for your help. Vietnamese Martyrs Celebration: It was in 1988, 30 years ago, that Vietnamese Martyrs were canonized. This special celebration will be celebrated in our parish this weekend from Friday evening to Sunday evening with many guest priests for confessions and for Holy Masses. Everyone is invited to this event, especially for the sacraments of confession before Christmas, the procession of the Vietnamese Martyrs relics before Holy Mass on Sunday by our bishop, followed by a tasty Vietnamese dinner in the Fischer Center. Come and join us for prayer, worship and authentic Vietnamese food. Love you all & Happy Thanksgiving, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Throughout November, please remember to pray for your deceased family members & friends. We love them, & we will always remember them with our prayers, especially at Holy Mass. Again, you are invited to write the names of your deceased ones in the Book of Remembrance located in the gathering area, so that everyone, especially me, can pray for them at all the Masses this month of November. Also, you have the option to ask for Masses to be said for them this month or whenever you would like. You need to book this with the church office. The diocese suggests $10 per intention to the priest who celebrates the Mass. You also can write their names on the All Souls Remembrance envelope & include the Mass stipend. The intentions on these envelopes will be prayed for at every Mass throughout November. I will donate the All Souls stipends to our parish Building Fund to help pay our bills. All Saints Catholic School Children’s Choir: The second Sunday during school months at our 11am Mass, our children will lead us singing and praising God. Please come to pray and to worship our God with our children, and to support them with your encouragement. Our children are the future of our families, communities & our Catholic church. We must help them to learn our Catholic faith, to love it & to practice it. Singing to God is twice a prayer from your soul. Jesus will be so happy to have our children coming to Him. They are beautiful, innocent & have angelic voices. God bless our children! Thank You: A special thank you to the many parishioners who have read my letter & contributed generously with their financial donation to help our church pay our bills. Again, the amount asked for in your letter is only a suggested amount; you are to pray about it to decide how much you & your family can support your church at this time of need. Any amount is greatly appreciated! Thank You: To all those who came & celebrated All Saints feast day last Saturday. Thank you for sharing your food with us. Delicious food! Thank you to all those who made it possible such as the Social Justice Committee, Altar Society and Knights of our parish. Thank you for gathering us together as a church family of multi-cultural people of God. All Saints pray for us all. Fade Out WeShare Online Giving Program-Sooner Is Better: For years, the parish has been using the WeShare, an online giving program to collect money from our parishioners; however, it’s getting too expensive to use it. This program charges the parish a flat monthly fee for every transaction made, & an additional (about) 3% of every dollar donated to the church. As a church family, let us not waste more of our money. Please switch to using one of the following methods to give. Option 1: You can request your bank to automatically send your donation to All Saints, or we can set it up for you, if you would complete the ACH Payment Authorization Paper with your voided bank check. Option 2: Write a check for your donation. Please avoid giving cash, unless it’s in a sealed envelope with your name on it so that we can record your contribution for your tax purposes. Cash has too much temptation & attraction to criminals. We highly recommend everyone use the ACH Payment method please. It’s safe, free & convenient. You can also cancel it at any time. You & the church do not have to have the same bank to do this. If you ever have any problem with ACH Payments, such as overpaying, we would be glad to return it to you. This has never happened that we know of. Again, thank you for your faithful stewardship to our parish that provides a Catholic education, for a place of worship & for the many buildings for our church & school activities. God bless you all & may God bless our deceased loved ones with eternal life, Fr. Hien |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |