My Dear Parishioners,
Thank you, Fr. Matthew Seigman, for celebrating the 9:30am and 11am Masses last Sunday. Father wanted to be with us and to celebrate Holy Masses with everyone in our parish. He loves our parish and he will come back again to be with us. I hope you enjoyed his time with us. Extra-Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers: Next Weekend, June 29th & 30th, at all Masses, immediately after the homily, I would like to invite all extra-ordinary ministers of our parish to come forward to receive a special blessing/commission. We want to thank God for your ministry and to ask for God’s blessings upon you all so that you may bring the Holy Eucharist to others. Please know that you are to wear your Sunday best for Holy Masses, to come up immediately after Father consumes from the cup/chalice, to wash your fingers after distributing Holy Communion, and finally to bow your head together before going back to your seat. Vietnamese Food Sale: This weekend in the Fischer Center after all Masses. You can carry out or dine in the Fischer Center after each Mass. Please support their efforts to help our parish. Buy some for yourselves, your families or to give to others. Parish Picnic & Open House: Everyone is invited to our annual parish picnic and open house of the new priest’s residence on the weekend of July 13 & 14. Open house on Saturday after 4pm Mass until 6:30pm and on Sunday after 8am Mass until 1:30pm. Coffee and donuts will be served after 8am Mass. The 11am Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Carl Kemme, followed by his blessing of the new house and lunch with us. The parish will provide steak and smoked chicken with baked potatoes on both days, you are welcome to bring your food to share with everyone. As a church family, we give thanks to God for those who practiced stewardship of their time, talent and treasure to our church and school. We give special thanks to those who went beyond their normal stewardship of treasure in tithing and gave extra to our building fund. We are blessed with over $180 thousand from your generosity. It’s time to thank God at our Holy Masses and to celebrate great food and fellowship. Sympathy: Our love and prayers go out to the family of Frances Brent. She was 97 and passed to eternal life on Saturday, June 15. She was a long-time and faithful parishioner of our parish. We thank God for her love and faith shared with us. We also thank her and her family for her memorial to All Saints Catholic Church. May she rest in peace with our Lord and with all the angels and saints. All Saints, pray for us—Fr. Hien Comments are closed.
AuthorFather Hien Nguyen Categories |
OFFICE Hours |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |