Why should I participate in Adoration?
Adoration before our Lord is not only a great opportunity for those who participate in it, but also for those who are being prayed for and their intentions. Each person is asked to take one hour a week enabling us to have adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. This experience is truly a grace filled time.
We are restarting our Adoration Chapel beginning at 8:00pm on Holy Thursday. Please note, the Chapel does not have to be occupied at all times, if you are signed up for an hour and there is nobody to relieve you, just closed the Chapel and whomever comes later can reopen it. We do not want people to feel like they have to stay or call the next person to make sure they will be there. Thank you!
Please click the link below to sign up:
Sign Up Sheet
Check the back of Church for open slots.
Please click the link below to sign up:
Sign Up Sheet
Check the back of Church for open slots.