The sacraments are special moments and graced spiritual opportunities.
The rites of the sacraments take place in communal and individual celebrations marking a special presence of Jesus with those who approach the sacraments with faith.
The rites of the sacraments take place in communal and individual celebrations marking a special presence of Jesus with those who approach the sacraments with faith.
BaptismParents must be registered and active in their stewardship for at least six (6) months prior to baptism. A Baptism Class is required for ALL first time parents and godparents. Contact the Parish Office to register for the class at least one (1) month prior to the Baptism date. Baptisms are celebrated every 3rd Saturday after the 4:00pm Mass. Contact the Parish Office for more information.
EucharistClick HERE for Mass Times.
ReconciliationClick HERE for the Confession Schedule.
MarriagePersons seeking to be married at All Saints must be must be registered and active in their stewardship for at least three (3)months. Please notify the Pastor at least nine (9) months prior to the desired wedding date. Please do not set wedding dated or reserve reception halls before meeting with the Pastor.