Religious Education
We have many opportunities to learn about and grown in faith. Check the following list for programs for ALL ages.
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Children & Teens
All Saints Catholic School provides Catholic education for children grades Pre-Kindergarten to 8th Grade.
PSR is designed for students grades Kindergarten to 9th Grade who attend public school to learn about their Catholic faith. PSR meets every Wednesday evening 6:30-7:45pm during the school year.
The sacrament of Confirmation impresses a character and by it the baptized, continuing on the path of Christian initiation, are enriched by the gift of the Holy Spirit and bound more perfectly to the Church; it strengthens them and obliges them more firmly to the witness to Christ by word and deed and to spread and defend the faith (CIC can.879).
Sacramental Preparation is the process by which a child is prepared to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist for the first time.
AdultsRCIA is the conversion process by which non-baptized adults and baptized Christians are fully initiated into the Catholic Church.
All adults parishioners are invited to attend the 3R's sessions provided by All Saints Catholic School. Check the 3R's calendar for sessions that may interest you.
Adult Religious Education provides a practical and thorough way to look at the scriptures we use in our everyday lives as we grow in our Catholic faith.
Catachists teach PSR classes weekly during the school year. Training is provided through the Catholic Diocese of Wichita and local in-service gatherings provides by the parish.
Safe Environment
All Saints Catholic Church & School follows the Diocese of Wichita Safe Environment Program. The program is designed to help protect the youth, elderly and vulnerable adults of our parish as they participate in activities within our parish community. The process of protecting the vulnerable also serves to provide a layer of protection against the possibility of false accusations for those adults who are involved in our many ministries.
According to diocesan policy, all catechists, catholic school volunteers and youth ministry volunteers must participate in the Safe Environment Program
According to diocesan policy, all catechists, catholic school volunteers and youth ministry volunteers must participate in the Safe Environment Program