Prayer Line
- Call ONE of the people listed as an ACTIVATOR with your intention anytime before 7:30 p.m. Speak to an individual—do not leave a message on a recorder as that activator may be out of town. Only the designated activators are to begin the individual prayer lines listed. NO CALLS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 7:30 pm. The prayer intention will be passed on to the individual lines at 8:00p.m.
- Once an activator reaches a person on a given line, that person continues the line by calling the next person on the line. You must speak with someone personally to end your turn, but, if someone is not home, please leave a message on their recorder, and add that you will call the next person on the list. The last person on each line does not call the person on the top of the next line. The last person on each line does not call the person on the top of the next linweThen remember the intention in your personal prayers in a timely fashion.
- Prayer chain calls should be quick and efficient. You are committed to complete a call. Listen carefully to the message (need), and repeat the request to make sure it is understood, ask for a spelling of the name if necessary, hang up, and call the next person.
- The prayer line will be activated for members of our parish (for themselves and their families) for the following intentions: a) a death in parish family, b) an expectant mother in labor, c) major surgery, d) some critical illness or serious accident.
- Make the call concise…e.g. Please pray for John Doe who was in a car accident—or in the hospital—or having surgery—etc. The more names and details given, the more confusing it gets toward the end of the lines.
Prayer Line Volunteers: CLICK HERE for the latest list.