My Dear Parishioners,
Are you ready for some Super Bowl football? Go Chiefs! Go Chiefs and bring home the Super Bowl trophy. It has been 50 years of waiting for all Chiefs’ fans. It has been 33 years for Father Hien. I cannot wait another 33 or 50 years. The Chiefs have been my team since I first came to America in 1986. I chose the Chiefs because they are the closest team to Wichita. I like their uniform and I also like that they are not a wealthy team like most teams. A few years ago, two parishioners and their families took me to a Chiefs’ game. It was my first and still my only NFL game. It was fun watching them play in the stadium, but it was not fun traveling, walking, waiting in line and of course it was not that fun watching in the rain either. So, I will be happy watching the Chiefs in my kingdom at All Saints. Go Chiefs! February is here which means that we are a month away from Confirmation at All Saints on Saturday, March 7th at 4pm in our church. On that day, all confirmandi are required to attend the retreat with adoration and confession service. Please keep our beloved children in your daily prayer as they are preparing their bodies, minds and souls for the coming of the Holy Spirit onto them. They will all be empowered by God with His heavenly graces and gifts. EIGHTH GRADE: Xitlalli Aguilar-Maldonado, Brandon Chandler, Julien Dickerson, Vy Do, Arianna Guzman, Luis Hernandez Herrera, Colton Hill, April Huynh, Lucas Jones, Isabel Landwehr, Emily Le, Annie Nguyen, Tammy Nguyen, Joshua Sanchez, Madalyn Spaulding, Kevine Tchoukedjoup, Dylann Thompson, James Tran, and Kara Whitaker. FRESHMEN: Alana Aguilar, Vanessa Goheen, Evelyn Hay, Alyssa Hengel, Ricardo Hernandez-Herrera, Lexi Hoang, Areli Jimenez, Nicholas Kucera, Paul Lies, Emily Leithoff, Riley Logan, Kamilah Martinez-Vargas, Link Moore, Alex Nguyen, Kevin Nguyen, Tammy Nguyen, Teresa Nguyen, Tom Nguyen, Nathan Pham, Sydney Pham, Chris Ramos, Jordan Rangel and Britton Zavala. SOPHOMORES: Chelsea Callejas, Sasha Cash, Jennifer Dao, Tina Dao, Travis Do, Hunter Huddleston, Laura Le, Minh Le, Michael Ludlam, Ashley Murguia, Kevin Nguyen, Jason Nguyen, Sydnie Nguyen, Tony Nguyen, Tuan Nguyen, Aaron Pham, Diana Pham, Peter Phung, Athena Schauner, Logan Spachek, Blaise Stewart, Katherine Sullivan, Jude Tran, Tiffany Tran and Minh Vu. FACILITATORS & TEACHERS: Carissa Cash, Jean Gengler, Susan Goheen, Marilyn Grommesh, Mary Hengel, Lien Kucera, Jenny Logan, Jami Moore, Linda Rangel, Anne Schock and Kim Spachek. Of course, we will never forget the love and dedication our D.R.E. Sandy Nettleton has given our church family. Let us thank God for our Confirmation program. Finally, during the exit song at all Masses this weekend, everyone, old and young, is invited to receive the blessing of the throat through the intercession of St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, to keep you healthy and blessed. Go Chiefs, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
How are you doing? Are you loving your life? I am doing great and enjoying my life. It’s a happy occasion for me and all of our Vietnamese parishioners as we are celebrating our Vietnamese New Year this weekend with a special New Year Mass this Saturday, January 25th at 10 am, follow by a reception luncheon in the Fischer Center. Everyone is invited to Holy Mass and to celebrate with us with lots of food and fun. Did you know? Recently, we paved with concrete many areas around our church, rectory and school buildings. The biggest piece was the parking lot by the church’s office. This parking lot is for everyone coming to our office. Now you can park and walk to the office door in seconds with ease. It’s also handicapped accessible. This parking lot is needed for convenience and safety, especially on school days. Sometimes the traffic backs up to this area. The second parking lot is by the Fischer Center-North. Of course, we can use more parking lots in front of the church and for the Fischer Center. Now this area is very open and safer for everyone. Please feel free to park there and enjoy what we have. We also paved many small areas for different reasons. One long piece is by the school and the powerhouse. We had to pave over the area of the 50 feet pipelines that had to be removed and part of a sidewalk to fix the steam line. We also paved another sidewalk north of the powerhouse, where we had to dig down to fix the broken water line a year ago. Another important piece was by the school’s playground to keep weeds out around the drain area. About 90 percent of the drainpipes were plugged up with weeds and dirt; therefore, it caused water backing up to the school offices, etc.… We also paved a small area in front of the church where people walk by day and night. Now, it’s a little safer for them to walk there. We finally paved five additional areas to keep the weeds out and for better visibility such as the All Saints sign in front of the church/Fischer Center. When I have time, I would like to paint the sign and put a nice cross on top of it. In addition, we also hauled most of the dirt from the new parking lots and placed them north and east of the powerhouse to keep rainwater from coming into the powerhouse. We also hauled some of the dirt to the football and softball fields to fill up some low areas. Again, we are so blessed with what we have since the day this parish was established. However, the hardest part of every building or house is maintenance. We are blessed with much and there is so much more maintenance to be done. If you want to help or to donate your time, talent and treasure, please let us know. Now that we have fixed the broken steam line, about 50 feet, it’s time to fix some leaks in our roofs. Can I take a vacation yet? Every priest has one day off a week plus 30 days off in a year for vacation. Love you all & love All Saints, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
We are in mid-January of 2020. I am thankful to God for my life, my priestly vocation, my big family near and far, and my many friends and parishioners from all over. God has been so good to me and blessed me with so much, especially the many good-hearted people in my life. Because of God’s goodness revealed through you, I have always loved my life and felt the blessings everyday, whether I am celebrating Holy Masses, hearing confessions or working in the yard. The Holy Spirit is always with me to lead me and to guide me. Thank you everyone for your love, prayer and the good you have done and shared with me, especially during the holy season of Christmas. Thank you for your personal notes, cards, best wishes and monetary gifts too. I will continue praying for you and my benefactors. Of course, I will do all that I can to serve our parish. Do you know that All Saints has so much work for me to do that I will never get it all done? However, I will not give up—just like the Chiefs last Sunday—but will continue getting one thing done at a time with God’s help and with your support. One of the Christmas letters I received this year was from a 7th grader from St. Thomas Aquinas. His name is Micah and he had 3 questions for me: how long did it take me to become a priest, what do I do in my free time, and do I get to see my family on the holidays? Answers: it took me 5 years of undergraduate studies, majoring in Philosophy and minoring in Theology, at The Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona, MN. After that I spent 4 years of graduate studies of Theology at The Pontifical College Seminary in Columbus, OH. I really don’t have a whole lot of free time because I always keep myself busy. I love to celebrate the sacraments, and to keep up our church and school facilities. I do my laundry and handwash my dishes. Whenever I can, I like to go fishing, deer hunting and play pool. Of course I have a garden and a fish pond too. Most of my family members are living in Wichita and I see them very frequently. My family consists of my parents, 5 younger siblings and 12 nieces and nephews. I also have over a hundred relatives back in Vietnam and so I try to see them once about every 5 years. For more information about me, please visit and click on Fr.Hien’s story. Finally, my heart is still full of joy and happiness because we had so many people coming to our church for Holy Masses. Thank you everyone. I am looking forward to meeting with our 1st Confession/Communion parents and children on Wednesday, January 22nd, at 6:30pm in the Fischer Center. A reminder that there will be no 11 am Mass this Sunday, January 19th. Everyone is invited to the Diocesan Vietnamese New Year celebration on the 19th at 3pm, at Church of the Magdalen, followed by the dragon dance and reception in the gym. On Saturday, January 25th at 10am, All Saints will have a special Vietnamese New Year Mass. Everyone is invited to our Holy Mass and a reception afterwards in the Fischer Center. Happy New Year to all Vietnamese, Fr. Hien Happy 2020 Everyone,
Blessings from our Lord Jesus, His Mother Mary, Saint Joseph and all the angels and saints be with you all. 2020 is here and there is nothing more important every day than to know that we are loved by so many people, and especially by God with all His Holy angels and saints. This weekend, we’ll celebrate the the feast of the Baptism of the Lord to remind us that through our baptism, we are all one with the Holy Trinity. God is with us and in us. God is dwelling in us. Let us love who we are for we are God’s temples. Our bodies and souls are images and likeness of God, who is invisible and eternal. Yes, if we truly love God, we will live forever for all things are possible with God. A reminder that the readings for Mass on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 will be from Tuesday of the First Week of Ordinary Time. Next weekend, January 19, our readings will be from the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Also, on Sunday, January 19, there will be no 11am Vietnamese Mass so that everyone and I can attend the diocesan Vietnamese New Year Mass at Church of the Magdalen at 3pm, followed by the dragon dance and reception dinner in the gym for everyone. All Saints Tết Nguyên Đán—on Saturday, January 25 is the Vietnamese New Year Day. We will have a special Vietnamese Mass at 10 am to celebrate the new lunar year, followed by a luncheon in the Fischer Center for everyone. Now that our children are back to school, parents, please keep them healthy and don’t send them to school sick. Make sure that they have plenty of sleep every night. Spend time with them to help them with their homework every night. Always remind them to honor their elders and to be respectful to all people and their properties. I would like to meet with all 1st confession/communion parents and children on Wednesday, January 22, at 6:30pm in the Fischer Center. Thank you. It’s very important that every family attend Holy Mass and pray together as a family as often as you can at home and even when you dine out. Lastly, please pray for the following children as they are growing so fast in their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual journey at All Saints Catholic school. 7th Graders with Mrs. Jean Gengler: Gabrielle Bates, Faith Brown, Nautica Cash, Victoria Cruz, Thien-Y Do, Jaydin Embry, Jonathan Fajardo, Jonathan Goheen, Ethan Hay, Johnny Hengel, Adriel Hernandez, Lena Jones, Patrick Lawrence, Abigail Le, Lily Logan, Olivia Meier, Faustine Nguyen, Kevin Nguyen, Alex Pham, Skyler Pham, Daniel Rocha, Christopher Sanchez, Alexandria Stewart, Xavier Tejeda and Lia Tran. 8th Graders with Miss Nikki Erker: Xitlalli Aguilar-Maldonado, Brandon Chandler, Cole Cooper, Julien Dickerson, Vy Do, Arianna Guzman, Luis Hernandez Herrera, Colton Hill, April Huynh, Lucas Jones, Isabel Landwehr, Emily Le, Annie Nguyen, Tammy Nguyen, Jesus Rocha, Joshua Sanchez, Madalyn Spaulding, Kevine Tchoukedjoup, Alondra Tejeda, Dylann Thompson, James Tran and Kara Whitaker. Love you all, Fr. Hien Happy New Year Everyone,
What is your New Year’s resolution? First, would you consider loving yourself, who you are the way God made you? Please don’t compare yourself with others, whether it’s your physical, mental, social skill or talents. Rather, please love who you are the way God made you so that you can be the best person you can be each day. A person full of love for God and oneself and others. A person who is responsible for every action you take. A person who would make the best out of each day you live. A person who is happy and grateful to God and to others, etc.… Second, would you consider praying daily for the salvation of your loved ones? Do you know that your one Hail Mary daily for each person in your family will go a long way towards eternal life? I believe so. Thank you everyone for attending the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God on January 1st. I am very proud of you all. My hope and prayer is that every one of us will be blessed by God with eternal life. My goal for this year is to help everyone have greater love for their Catholic faith, especially our Vietnamese parishioners, now that they can attend Holy Mass in their own language. Our Vietnamese parishioners and I are so happy that we have a Mass in Vietnamese to help them grow in their Catholic faith and to pray and to worship God in their own language. Thank you, God, and thank you to my parish leaders and parishioners. God bless your kindness and your love for others. Thank you to all those who helped me and our parish with our Christmas decorations and displays outside and inside of our church. Yes, we did well, and it is beautiful. Thank you to all those who have returned their stewardship forms to our church. If you have not, I guess it’s better late than never, right? A special thanks to families that filled out the direct deposit method. Finally, please join me in praying for our beloved All Saints students. 4th Grade: Mr. Sean McKinney: Mary Bui, Tin Bui, Michael DeVega, Juan Galarza, Ava Jones, Alyssa Lawrence, Olivia LeDonne, Cecilia Meier, Audreey Nguyen, Quan Nguyen, Lebron Oduor, Savannah Pham, Josef Rumback, Nathan Salcedo, Giovhany Sanchez, Lucas Stewart, Mateo Vargas and Wess Whitaker. 5th Grade: Mrs. Jessica Rose: Zoey Buckner-Franklin, Jayden Dao, Danh Hoang, Megan Huynh, Lawrence Landwehr, Adrian Luna, Max Maldonado, Moses Miranda, Jonan Moore, Abraham Moreno-Avila, Angelina Nguyen, Joshua Nguyen, Christine Nkouga, Giselle Perez, Jordan Pham, Kenney Pham, AnnMarie Phillips, Anne Tran and Eileena Wheaton. 6th Grade: Mrs. Mary Carol Greene: Jayda Delarue, Alexander Dickerson, Thanh Do, Daniella Estrada, Milagros Galarza, Elaine Hesse, Andrew Kucera, Diana Mendez, Fatima Moreno, Isaac Mosqueda, Mia Murguia, Sophia Mweberi, Brandon Nguyen, Catherine Nguyen, Lac Nguyen, Thinh Nguyen, Thao Pham, Tjaden Pham, Avery Rangel, Anne Rayappa, Benjamin Salcedo and Leann Tran. May God bless our children so that they will continue to grow in wisdom and in love, Fr. Hien |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |