My Dear Parishioners,
I am writing this message before my trip to Cheyenne, Wyoming for a priestly ordination. I am excited to attend this special day for Fr. Linh Vu. He came from Vietnam at least 13 years ago and attended Conception seminary, MO where I met him and two other Vietnamese seminarians from his group. One of them was ordained a priest about 6 years ago, who is now a pastor in Wyoming; and the other is still studying to become a priest. These men used to come to my parish in Marion and visited me. Thankfully, none of them gave up learning English or discerned in the seminary to become priests. Due to covid, Fr. Vu’s parents from Vietnam will not be able to attend his ordination. How sad! He said that in 2022, he will travel to his home parish in Vietnam to celebrate Holy Mass for his family. Let us pray for all priests, seminarians and all religious brothers and sisters throughout the world in every place of the earth. They are role models for all of us Catholics and others in the ways of faith with their daily prayers, dedications, sacrifices and for their love of God and others—the salvation of all souls. Thank you everyone for joined me for our Holy Masses last weekend to worship God and to pray for our families, especially our dads as we celebrated Father’s Day weekend. Please trust that God is always good to all of us, especially thru our parents, siblings, relatives, and many wonderful friends. We are all blessed to have one another. May we will always have each other today and eternally in heaven. Finally, a reminder to those who normally attend Saturday noon mass that this Saturday, June 26th is our last vigil noon mass. Please make arrangement to attend our 4pm Saturday, Sunday at 9am or 10:30am Vietnamese Mass. Surprised to me that every weekend we do have none-Vietnamese speaking people attended the Vietnamese Mass. I guess people love to hear us chanting the prayers and the Vietnamese music. Remember that in God there is not east or west, north or south, Asian or African, etc.… He knows us all inside and out; and He loves us all, all the time, and eternally--Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Blessings from the Holy Family be with you as you celebrate Father’s Day this weekend. Yes, God so loved us that He blessed us with one another, especially our family members. Each one of us is dear to one another. May we always love each other with respect, love, kindness, prayers, and daily sacrifices. Today, let us give our honor and thanks to our parents, especially our dads who have loved us and did so much for us. Let us also pray for dads that are in need of our love, forgiveness and prayers so that they too can be good dads again to their wives, children and families. Please remember that no one has to be away from their loved ones. God wants us to be together today and eternally in heaven as a family. We live to help each other to be saints before God with our faith in God and our love for one another. Happy Father’s Day to all dads! A special blessing will be bestowed upon our dads at the end of our Masses this weekend. This week, June 22-25, there will be no daily Mass as I will be out of town for a priest ordination. Please pray for my safe travels and that I enjoy my time away. Of course, I will be home for our weekend Masses. A reminder that next Saturday, June 26th will be our last Saturday vigil noon Mass. Take good care of yourself and family, love you all—stay cool, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
How are you doing? Are you enjoying your summer? I am doing well, and I am very happy that we are returning to normalcy. This means that soon, I will be able to see your whole face again. There is nothing happier for me than to see that everyone is doing well and putting all their love and trust in God. Please always join me for our worship to God at our Holy Masses. God is our everything, and He alone we serve and put all our trust in. Now that Easter season is over and all the solemnities are behind us, we are celebrating the 11th Sunday of Ordinary Time. Let us remember that every Sunday is the Lord’s Day. We are to be together as individual families as well as a church family to celebrate our faith. Together, we will proclaim the death and resurrection of the Lord until He comes again to take us to be with Him for eternal life. May we love Jesus dearly and receive His holy sacraments in our lives, especially the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Sympathies and Prayers: To the families of Doris Pauline Draut, who passed away on Thursday, June 3rd. Her funeral Mass was on Tuesday, June 8th. Henry Gallardo, who was 88 years old, passed to eternal life on Friday, June 4th. His funeral Mass was on Thursday, June 10th. Both funeral Masses were celebrated at All Saints. May they and all of our deceased loved ones rest in heaven with our Lord. Next weekend is Father’s Day, June 20th. Please start planning to celebrate Father’s Day with love and prayer for your family, especially for your dad. Let us pray that they will be like St. Joseph, full of trust in God and full of love for their families. May our dads be great role models in words and in deeds at home, at work, and specially at church by giving of their time, talent, and treasure to serve God’s families at All Saints. We need more handymen in our church and school. Thank you to all those who have been contributing their time, talent, and treasure to our church’s family, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Blessings from our Lord be with you all. God alone and He alone we serve, with love and with all our might. He is our life now and forever. Let us all love our Lord and worship Him at our Holy Masses, to become one with Jesus and to be saved by Him. A reminder that everyone is obligated to return to Sunday’s worship this weekend, June 5-6. Here’s Jesus’ promise, "Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day." Jesus loves us so much that He is longing and waiting to become one with us through Holy Communion at Holy Masses, daily as well as Sunday’s obligatory Masses. Of course, daily prayer is important to the life of a person but receiving Holy Communion at Holy Mass is a million times more fruitful and spiritual. Holy Communion is like your heart that gives life to you at every moment with heavenly peace, love, joy, happiness, etc... No heart, no life; no Jesus, no life either now or later. For this reason, Holy Communion is the heart of our Catholic faith—it’s Jesus Himself that we are united with and become like. Please return to the Lord with your families and friends to worship and to become one with Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Seating in Church: When you come to church, the section of pews on the far right and on the far left are for anyone who might need social distancing. We also have plenty of chairs along the walls for your needs. The four sections of pews in the center are for seating with no social distancing (the red and yellow signs are removed). Communion Lines and Collection Baskets: There will be three communion lines with three baskets for you to place your gifts to the Lord in as you are coming up for Holy Communion or before or after Mass. Please take your time as you come forward for Holy Communion. Be sure to bow to Jesus when you are in front of the minister to receive Jesus. Don’t bow to the back of the person in line, but to Jesus only. We would greatly appreciate it if you would receive Holy Communion with your hands. If you would like us to bring Holy Communion to your seat, please sit up front so that we can see you and bring Holy Communion to you. The ministers and I should not have to walk to the back of the church for any reason unless it’s an emergency. Finally, beginning July 1st, all vigil Masses cannot start prior to 4pm; therefore, our last Saturday noon Mass will be June 27th. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation with all these changes from the diocese and for the good of our parish family. God loves you and I love you too, Fr. Hien |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |