My Dear Parishioners,
Please join our church’s family next Sunday, August 7th to celebrate Fr. Dwight Birket’s 50 priesthood anniversary at our Sunday, 9am Holy Mass. Father will celebrate this special Mass, and the ladies of our parish will hold a reception in the Fischer Center West, immediately after Mass, for Father and everyone to stop by and congratulate him. Father was pastor here at All Saints and he loved it here. Parents, have you registered your children to attend All Saints Catholic schools yet? We would love to have your kids join our school. Please do so ASAP so that we can order the materials for each student and to help you form your children in the way of faith, for the good of their bodies, minds, and souls. Catholic education is a special gift to every stewardship family, to have their children learning in the Catholic environment. Your child will be in uniform, pray throughout the day, attend Holy Mass, adoration, and serve as altar servers, cantors, lectors, etc.… All 6th graders and older will be prepared for their confirmation in the spring. Bishop is scheduled to offer the sacrament to our children. Thankfully, All Saints Catholic parents don’t have to pay tuition for the Catholic education of their children. (The average private school tuition in Kansas for elementary school is $7,306 and high school is $10,948 per year). Recently, we paved two new parking lots, one is east of the Fischer Center/in front of the gym for our teachers and staff to park during school days. This will free the exit driveway to allow kids to be picked up along this driveway, in front of the gym. Second, we paved a large area where the kids were standing and waiting to be picked up. Now, they don’t have to drag dirt and water into their vehicles and homes, especially on wet and snowy days. I also have been working on the concrete statues and crosses for the outside of our church and school buildings. The two crosses will be on top of All Saints’ signs on Grand Street and on Harry Street. This will help people notice right away that they are coming to a Catholic church. In front of the bell tower will be two angels standing, one on the left and one on the right hand of Jesus who is welcoming everyone to All Saints. Jesus is 6 feet tall, standing on two pedestals that are about 4 feet in height. There will be two statues of Jesus, a Mary statue, and an angel statue in front of the church, south entrance. One welcoming Jesus’ statue at the adoration chapel’s entrance door. Lastly, one special praying statue of Jesus at the entrance of the school for everyone, especially children to touch and to be around Jesus. I hope that this will help them to feel close to Jesus and to pray to Him every day. I am thankful that I have been able to get a lot of work done for our church and school, even though it has been so hot. God is good to us all. If anyone would like to donate to these projects, please memo it as “statues.” Thank you and greatly appreciated, with much love and prayers, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Parents, have you registered your children to attend All Saints Catholic schools yet? We would love to have your kids join our school. Please do so ASAP so that we can order the materials for each student. Sending your children to All Saints will help you form them in the way of faith, for the good of their bodies, minds, and souls. Catholic education is a special gift to every stewardship family, to have their children learning in a Catholic environment. Your child will be in uniform, pray throughout the day, attend Holy Mass and adoration, and serve as altar servers, cantors, lectors, etc.… All 6th graders and older will be prepared for their confirmation in the spring. Bishop is scheduled to offer the sacrament to our children. Thankfully, All Saints Catholic parents don’t have to pay tuition for the Catholic education of their children. (The average private school tuition in Kansas for elementary school is $7,306 and for high school is $10,948 per year). The tuition is being paid by goodhearted and faithful parishioners of All Saints. Thank you for your investment in God’s little children at All Saints. Recently, we paved two new parking lots, one of them is east of the Fischer Center/in front of the gym for our teachers and staff to park during school days. This will free the exit driveway to allow kids to be picked up along this driveway, in front of the gym. Also, we paved a large area where the kids were standing and waiting to be picked up. Now, they don’t have to drag dirt and water into their vehicles and homes, especially on wet and snowy days. If anyone would like to donate to these projects, please memo it “Building Fund.” Thank you and greatly appreciated, with much love and prayers, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
I hope you had a great 4th of July celebration with your family and friends. Again, may we all know how blessed we are living in America and having one another by our side. God is good and let us be good to God and to one another with our love and kindness each day. As good Catholics, we are to put God above all things. Of course, we are to register in a parish and live our stewardship way of life with our time, talent, and treasure to God in our parish. Not that God needs us or any of the things we have, but it’s for our sake that we must show God that we love Him above all things and always trust in Him. We are also to show God daily that we care for our souls and the salvation of others. For this reason, being faithful stewards is very important by attending Holy Mass to fulfill our obligation before God, and by sharing our skills and talents with others as well as our finances to educate our children in the Catholic faith with a Catholic education. Can you believe that in about 3 weeks our teachers will return to school to get their classrooms and lessons ready for the new school year? We are blessed with dedicated teachers, parish staff, and many faithful parishioners supporting Catholic education with their stewardship. God bless them and God bless our church family. Please enjoy your summertime with one another. Don’t waste your time and life by doing nothing. Many people in this life have not done many good deeds or put their Christian faith into practice; let none of us ever make this mistake. Live well, live happy, live joyfully, live with God and with each other. PS. Please join me in extending our love, prayers, and sympathy to the Hotze family, especially to Fr. John. Joseph A. Hotze, 64, passed to eternal life on Wednesday, June 29. His rosary was held on Tuesday and funeral Mass was on Wednesday, July 6th in our Church. The Hotze family has been a long-time parishioner of our parish. May Joe and all those who loved our Lord be with Him for eternal life. With much love and prayers, Fr. Hien HAPPY 4TH EVERYONE,
God bless America and all those who live in it. May God bless our country with more great and glorious men and women to love our country and to protect her from all evils, near and far. America is a God blessed nation with many heroes serving our country as well as many wonderful contributors to our country with their intelligence, talents, skills, and hard work. Each contributor in America has been a blessing to our nation. We depend on each other for love, life, education and prosperity. St. Paul reminded all of us about the importance of working for the good of others, their souls and a better life for all. He said that those who do not work should not eat. This means that lazy people don't deserve to eat for we all can do something for the good of many, including the people we live with or see daily. If a person for some special reason is incapable, such as being disabled or elderly or can't work with their hands, they can always work with their heart through prayer and supporting our country and the good work being done by others. I am sure and certain that America has been blessed by millions of Americans with their many sacrifices for peace, freedom and prosperity of our country that are appreciated by many and blessed by God. I hope that all those who live in America know how blessed they are to be living in America, so that they will never do harm in words or action to our beautiful country. Millions of people like myself had to flee from where we were born, due to communism and heartless government leaders, corrupted leaders, to America for freedom and for a better way of life. There is nothing worse in America than for those who live in it and fail to love her. It’s our citizen's duty to love her with our prayers for her, for those who sacrifice daily for her and for those who are building her up with dignity and life for all people. God bless America, our beautiful homeland, Happy 4th--- Fr. Hien |
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OFFICE Hours |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |