My Dear Parishioners,
How is your summer? My summer is going well. My garden is doing very well. In April, I had a lot of asparagus, in May and June, my strawberries did really well. I started my garden with seeds in early May and everything is growing fast with cucumbers, tomatoes, long beans, butternut squash, and melons. I also planted some fruit trees such as apples, pears, peaches, jujubes, persimmons, the past few years and they are doing well as can be. I hope that your garden is doing well for you, if not, don’t give up. It takes lots of care and love to have a good garden. The reward of gardening is not only the fruits and veggies but to see God’s hands at work in His creation. Please enjoy life each day and enjoy God’s most precious gift to you: your family members. Never take them for granted but cherish them with lots of understanding and love. Congratulations to about 50 of our children who received their Confirmation last Sunday by Bishop Kemme. He was very surprised and happy to see so many of us together in church and our children prepared well for the sacrament. He loves us all. Thank you to all those who helped our church and school with the Vietnamese food sale last weekend. All the funds will benefit our school's new HVAC Project. Thank you to so many friends of the parish who helped us with all the shopping, cooking and serving/selling food. We are one God’s family regardless of our skills, talents, race, color, language, rich or poor, healthy or sick, etc… Love you all, Fr. Hien My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Blessings from our Lord be with you all as you enjoy your summer. Happy Father’s Day to all our dads. To celebrate Father’s Day weekend, on Saturday from 11am to 8pm, we will have food sales in the Fischer Center. Please stop by to support our church family, all the funds will go towards the new HVAC system for our school. Thank you for your support and donations. On Sunday at 10:30am Mass, Bishop Kemme will celebrate the Confirmation Mass for our children. Please join us for this special day with our kids. All the students to be confirmed, please be in church on Saturday at 9am for your retreat, rehearsal, and confessions. Don’t be late! Let us all pray for our children to be confirmed at Holy Mass. Matthew Abarca--St. Hedwig, Sean McKinney; Mary Bui--St. Bridget of Sweden, Kathleen Endsley; Tin Bui--St. Francis Xavier, Xeng Lam; Michael DeVega--St. Michael, Teresa Nguyen; Jailene Juarez--St. Michael, Gabrial Aguilar; Cecilia Meier—St. Teresa of Avila, Erin Kirkland; Audreey Nguyen--St. Joan of Arc, Stephanie Nguyen; Quan Nguyen--St. Augustine of Canterbury, Thy Nguyen; Lebron James Oduor--St. Paul, Natalie Oduor; Savannah Pham—St. Teresa of Calcutta, Thuy Le; Amy Rivas-Cortez—St. Rita of Cascita, Mellisa Marie-Cortez; Nathan Salcedo—St. Ignatuis of Loyola, Able Mireles; Giovhany Sanchez—St. Anne, Joseph sanchez; Lucas Stewart—St. Patrick, Blaise Stewart; Crystal Chan—St. Anne, Lisa Pham; Heidy Vega—St.Teresa of calcutta, Dulce Barba; Wess Whitaker—St. Michael the Archangel, Keri Whitaker; Jayden Dao—St. Joseph, Jennifer Dao; Sergio Hernandez--Saint Juan Diego, Ricardo Hernandez; Megan Huynh--Saint Catherine of Bologna, Karrie Cam Nguyen; Lawrence Landwehr--St.Stephen, Naomi Strong; Adrian Luna--San. Judas, Grisley Aguilar; Maximiliano Maldonado—St. Jude ,Thaddeus Sara Mosquedo; Jonan Moore--St. Luke, David Felts; Abraham Morena-Avila--St.Jude, Joyce Frederiksen; Angelina Nguyen--St. Rose of Lima, Quynh Tram Vu; Dan Nguyen--St. Sebastian, Cassandra Wheaton; Joshua Nguyen--St. Francis of Assisi, Jean Gengler; Giselle Perez--St. Toribio Romo, Karen Ruvalcaba Medina; Jordan Pham--St. Therese, Brandon Chandler; Kenny Pham—St. Dominic Savio, Kenneth Pham; AnnMarie Phillips--St. Dominic Savio, Krystine Krier; Cameron Thach--St. Maria Goretti , Anna Phuong Nguyen; Anne Chan--St. Joan of Arc, Diana Pham; Ngoc Chan--St. Lawrence, Dao Nguyen; Eileena Wheaton—St. Dymphna, Paula DeLeon; CJ Bramhall--St. Michael, Janice Vitarelli; Anthony Bui--St. Anthony of Padua, Cuong Mai; Olivia Florentin--St. Rose of Lima, Tiffany Tajchman; Caleb Guzman--St. Sebastian, Mary Lou Harding; Minh Le--St. Andrew Dũng-Lạc, Phuc Le; Jenny Mai--St. Bernadette, Nhu Thi Huynh; Isaac Moreno--St. Anthony of Padua, Joyce Frederiksen; Brayden Pham--St. Therese of Lisieux, Thao Nguyen; Jennie Pham--St. Helen, Lien Pham; Olyve Tajchman--St. Bernadette, Maeve Duling; Ky Tai Nguyen—St. Dominic, Tuấn Nguyen. Finally, as you all know, the parish is ordering rooftop units for the entire school and gym, due to the old boiler system having failed. The cost for the new rooftop project is between $620-$723 thousand, which breaks down to about $170-250k for electrical and about $475k for the engineers, new gas line, and 27 HVAC units ranging from 3 to 7.5 tons. As a church family, we must make sacrifices to support our students and to provide them with an adequate environment. Please pray that we will be blessed with many generous donors like you to help our school in this time of need. If you are ready to help our children, please memo your donation as “school.” Thank you & I love you all, Fr. Hien My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Blessings from our Lord be with you all as you enjoy your summer. Next weekend, we will celebrate Father’s Day, so please make every effort to attend Holy Mass together as a family to pray for our dads and families. Also, there will be a special blessing during Mass for all dads. To celebrate Father’s Day weekend, on Saturday from 11am to 8pm, we will have food sales in the Fischer Center. Please stop by to support our church family, all the funds will go towards the new HVAC system for our school. Thank you for your support and donations. On Sunday at 10:30am Mass, Bishop Kemme will offer Confirmation Mass for our children. Please join us for this special day with our kids. All the students to be confirmed, please be in church on Saturday at 9am for your retreat, rehearsal, and confessions. Don’t be late! Finally, as you all know, the parish is ordering rooftop units for the entire school and gym, due to the old boiler system having failed. The cost for the new rooftop project is between $620-$723 thousand, which breaks down to about $170-250k for electrical and about $475k for the engineers, new gas line, and 27 HVAC units ranging from 3 to 7.5 tons. As a church family, we must make sacrifices to support our students and to provide them with an adequate environment. Please pray that we will be blessed with many generous donors like you to help our school in this time of need. We are blessed with one anonymous family who committed to All Saints Catholic School a $250,000 donation towards this very important project for the good of our children and teachers. If you are ready to help our children, please memo your donation as “school.” Thank you & I love you all, Fr. Hien NEW HEATING AND COOLING SYSTEM FOR OUR SCHOOL
My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The parish’s Pastoral Council with the Finance Committee and I have met, and we have decided to move forward with rooftop units for the entire school and gym, due to the old boiler system having failed. Sadly, we have spent about $70 thousand on the old system, and we would need to spend an additional $40-50 thousand to fix 3 additional major problems, and maybe it would start to work again. It’s a maybe. The unfixable problem is that the system is old, and we have failed to treat the system with chemicals for decades (no one to blame and it would cost about three thousand dollars annually to treat it); therefore, all the pipes are affected, and some are rusting through, including newly installed pipes, and/or all pipes are clogged throughout the school. With these problems, most of the classrooms have not had sufficient heating or cooling for decades; it was terrible last winter, and we ended the winter with no heat. Besides, there are still many original underground pipes that have not been replaced; therefore, they can start breaking anytime and they are located under the children’s playground. With the current old system, we can anticipate constant problems, costly to fix and difficult to order parts (about $110-$130 an hour for labor and very limited professionals can work on it). The total cost for the new rooftop project is between $620-$723 thousand. It breaks down to about $170-250k for electrical (including the replacement of a dozen old panels and wires), and about $475k for the engineers, new gas line, 27 HVAC units ranging from 3 to 7.5 tons (about 100 tons total), and the installations. For the time being, please pray for our church and school, including for myself that the project we are about to begin will go well according to God’s will. Yes, we do have the approval from the diocese to start the project. I will surely keep you posted, and love you all, Fr. Hien |
AuthorFather Hien Nguyen Categories |
OFFICE Hours |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |