My Dear Parishioners,
How are you doing? I am doing well, except I cough occasionally. I have had allergy and congestion problems forever. Since it doesn’t bother me that much, I don’t usually take medication for it. I am ok living with it. I hope you are well. Vietnamese New Year: In the foyer of the church, you can see that I have a beautiful statue and shrine of Mary, to be sold at the Vietnamese New Year’s celebration, on Tuesday, February 1st. The money raised will be donated to the church to help pay for the recent fixing of the roof of our church. If you wish to help pay for the repair of our roofs, please be sure to write in the memo line of your check - “church roof.” Also, you are invited to join us for the Vietnamese Holy Mass at 5:30pm, on Tuesday, February 1st, the new day of the Zodiac calendar, the year of the tiger. After Mass, we will have a dragon dance and give out lucky money in a red envelope. We also will have a reception and entertainment in the Fischer Center. This Thursday is the feast day of St. Blaise, bishop, and martyr. He is known for the healing of throats with disease. So, if you are interested, please attend this special Mass on Thursday, February 3rd at 8am or one of the weekend Masses on February 5th and 6th, we will pray over you with a blessed candle through the intercession of St. Blaise. Sadly, Covid 19 is still going strong and harming a lot of people. Please be safe, rest a lot, stay healthy and pray for those who are victims of this deadly virus. Saints of God, pray for us all---Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
The Lord be with you! Last Monday, we entrusted our Grand Knight Chuck Steven to our Lord with Holy Mass. He was put to eternal rest at Ascension Cemetery. We give thanks to God for Chuck and the many wonderful and faithful members of our parish who loved and served our church and school for many years. May they now inherit eternal life with Our Lord in His heavenly kingdom. Please keep our Knights of Columbus council and members in your prayers as they are discerning the future of their council, especially with a new grand knight. May we be blessed with a new leader who is willing to sacrifice his life with his skills and talents to the church at All Saints. ROOFS: a few weeks ago, the strong wind that hit us all damaged about 30 feet of the school’s roof. Thankfully we caught it right away and called roofers to work on it. It’s fixed now. Since last Monday, our roofers have been working on the dome of the church. We had to install a new roof on the top of the dome and also a new roof above the main part of the church. There were 12 pieces that were rotten, so insurance would not pay for the repair. For this reason, I am asking for your help to pay for this work. In the foyer of the church, you can see that I have another statue and shrine of Mary, to be sold (live auction) at the Vietnamese New Year’s celebration, on Tuesday, February 1st. Everyone is invited to join us for the Holy Mass at 5:30pm, followed by a celebration in the Fischer Center. If you wish to help pay for the repair of our roofs, please be sure to write in the memo line of your check - “church roof.” Thanks a million for we are blessed to have each other, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Blessings from our Lord be with you all. We give thanks to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us, especially to our church family. Please know that I always love to be with you, especially at Holy Mass. Please make every effort to bring your family and friends to church because God is most important to all. Life with God is everything—full of love, life, and blessings; and life without God is nothing—full of sadness, darkness, and death. Thank You: please accept my heartfelt “thank you” for your love and prayers for me, especially during the last Christmas and New Year celebrations. I know that many of you pray for me daily, thank you. Please know that it has been a blessing for me to be here at All Saints. I have learned a lot and I would love to continue serving our church and school. I know that I don’t have much to offer but what I have is my love for God and for you all. Please pray for me and my brother priests so that we may be Jesus to you all. Thank you also for your Christmas cards, gifts, and money. Last Wednesday, I had the time to read them all in one day. What a beautiful Christmas gift and best wishes you gave me. Thank you, Fr. Hien Finally, please join me in extending our sympathies and prayers to the family of Lorene Goevert. We celebrated her life on Saturday, January 8, with rosary and Holy Mass. Sadly, our Grand Knight Chuck Steven passed to eternal life last Thursday. His rosary will be this Sunday at 4pm and funeral Mass at 10am, Monday, January 17th at All Saints. We give thanks to God and to all those who have loved and served our church for many years, and now may they inherit eternal life with Our Lord in His heavenly kingdom. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord---Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
God bless everyone in this New Year. Our Christmas season will end after this weekend as we will gather to celebrate the Holy Baptism of our Lord Jesus. As baptized Catholics, we are followers, disciples of Jesus. Our mission is to love God and to help others to love God so that they too may be saved. Any person can love God by loving themselves, their families, and friends, etc.… Yes, God is in every person born or yet to be born. Only when we love them will we know that we are loved by God. I pray that you will always love God and trust in God. Please remember that God is with us. He can do all things in us and for us, if it’s bringing us closer to God, to one another and above all, to inherit the eternal life of heaven. God will never help us do wrong things but only to do good for our salvation and the salvation of all people. We are blessed as members of All Saints Catholic Church for we have so many saints praying for us daily, to help us imitate their faith, love, and their service to God for the salvation of others. Again, we are in 2022, the year of the Eucharist, please make every effort to bring your family and friends to church. Holy Mass is the “heartbeat” of your faith, soul and your daily peace and happiness. Only at Holy Mass can we truly become one with Jesus, our bread of life today and for all eternity. Jesus loves you more than you can ever love Him. Please commit yourself to Jesus, our Lord, God, and Savior. Jesus is God with us, please love Jesus with me, Fr. Hien Happy New Year My Dear Parishioners,
God bless you all today and all the days of your life. As Catholics, we are called to be true and faithful disciples of Jesus by loving God and one another. I pray that your New Year’s resolution this year is to see Jesus in every person you encounter, especially in those you live with. Please know that your family members and friends need to be loved by you with the love of God. Know that God is with you always to help you see and love them as God loves them, all the time. True love does not depend on how someone treats us, but it’s all about how we treat them, with dignity, respect, love, forgiveness, understanding, patience and sometimes just giving them some space, etc.… To be Christ-like to everyone, we must love Jesus and pray to Him daily as often as we can, especially throughout the day, so that we may have His eyes to see the goodness in others and to help them on their spiritual journey. 2022 is the Year of the Eucharist, please make every effort to bring your family and friends to church. It’s essential to your faith, soul and your daily peace and happiness. It is only at Holy Mass that we can truly become one with Jesus, our bread of life today and for all eternity. Jesus loves you more than you can ever love Him. Please commit yourself to Him in this New Year. HAPPY NEW YEAR, FR. HIEN |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
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