My Dear Parishioners,
God bless you all! Yes, our children are out of school for their summer vacation. We congratulate them all for their achievements to the next grade and level of education. Three months of summer will go by fast, so please enjoy your time with them all. Have a safe summer with lots of fun. Please travel wisely and safely so that you will always have each other. A second or two spent making a mistake can cause death or permanent disability. Don’t let evil have a chance. This weekend, we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. Yes, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit will always be with you and me as baptized persons. We belong to God now and eternally; therefore, please always love God with all your hearts, minds, and souls. I am blessed to be a priest to do so every day, especially at Holy Mass. This weekend is also my 23rd priesthood ordination. God has been so good to me with lots of love and prayers from people like you. Thank you, God, and thank everyone for your love, prayer, and support of my ministry at All Saints, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
I hope and pray that you had a great time with your family last weekend celebrating Mother’s Day with your loved ones. I really enjoyed my time with my family and had some great homemade BBQ steaks with asparagus. It was so good to see so many people attend Masses. This week, please join me in congratulating many students from our parish. Many have graduated or are graduating from middle school, high school, or college. Children, congratulations on your achievements, but best of all, thank you for your faith in God. Also, please join me in thanking God for the ministries our parish’s teachers and staff have blessed us with. As you know, we serve close to two hundred students here at All Saints and it takes a lot of love, prayer and sacrifices, day after day, month after month, to teach and to form our children in the way of faith, as well as to be the best person they can be according to God’s plan for them. Our children are the future of our church, school, and America. We love them and we ask for God’s blessings upon them and their teachers and staff. May we all have a safe and happy summer. Thank you parents, teachers and parish staff! I am blessed to serve our Lord with you here at All Saints, Fr. Hien Happy Mother’s Day Everyone,
May God bless our families, especially our parents for they are God’s greatest gift to all of us. Without them, we would not be here nor can we be truly loved and have life. Thank you moms and dads, especially our beloved mothers for your life-giving birth and your endless sacrifices for us and our families. Happy Mother’s Day with God’s countless blessings to you and your families. Congratulations: To the many children of our parish who made their First Confession and Holy Communion last Saturday in our church. God bless you all and please always trust in Jesus and love Him with all your heart, mind and soul. Thank you: To so many parishioners and friends of our church and school for the very successful Vietnamese food sale two weeks ago. After the expenses, we made about $60,000 for our school. Yes, this hard earned money will go toward the upcoming projects for our school such as the heating and air as well as its roof when we get to it. What is more surprising to me was the number of people who knew about our food sales through Facebook and came to support us. So many people praised the wonderful atmosphere as well as the quality of the food we served. Thank you to all who helped us prepare, cook and serve as well as all those who supported us with your prayer, love and donations. Yes, your many hands and hearts for many days and weeks made this food sale event possible and successful. God bless you all and we are blessed because we are well supported and loved by thousands of Catholics and friends of All Saints Catholic Church and School. Thank you and happy Mother’s day to all our beloved moms, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners of All Saints Catholic Church and School,
Thank you for being a member of our church family. Please join me today, especially this Saturday, May 7, at our 4pm Mass, at which the following children of our church’s family will make their First Communion. They are Major Haynes, Justin Pham, Kimberly Renteria, Jennie Pham, Sophia Blanchard, Prime Ho, Ava Le, Jovany Lopez- Domingues, Ivan Mosqueda, Kathy Nguyen, Daniel Pham, Anh Phung, Leo Rocha, and Sophia Tran. Children, we are blessed to have you among us and we are looking forward to celebrating this special day with you. Please know that Jesus loves you and He will always be with you, thats why you are becoming one with Him today through Holy Communion, to assure you of His perfect love for you. He is in you and you will always belong to Him. He is your love, your life and your salvation. Love Him with all your hearts, minds and souls! Be sure to talk and to pray to Jesus every day, especially after you have received His Body at Holy Communion. Tell Him that you love Him. Tell Him that you trust in Him, such as "Jesus, I trust in You". Always be loving and caring as Jesus has shown us. Also, beginning today, please remember to pray daily the most perfect prayer, the “Our Father,” given by Jesus, and one “Hail Mary” for each person in your family, especially for your parents who love you dearly. No one has shown greater love for you than your parents have. Please listen to them and obey them. They will help you be the best person you can be. Always go to church with them and never be a crybaby before them. Please pray and obey so that you will make your parents proud of you, and Father Hien too. Congratulations and Jesus blesses you all, Fr. Hien PS. Immediately after Mass, all the children will take a group picture with Fr. Hien and their teachers, and then each child will take turns to take individual pictures with Fr. Hien. |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |