My Dear Parishioners,
Blessings from our Lord be with you all. We are entering the month of May with the many celebrations and graduations. On Saturday, May 6th at 4pm Mass is First Holy Communion for many of our children. All children are required to be in church at 9am for the rehearsal, the installation of the scapulars, and to make their first confessions. Parents are to be with their kids so that they may know where to sit and what is allowed during Mass. For the 4pm Mass, all children are to wear their Sunday best for their Holy Communion and pictures taken after Mass in church. May also is the month that we as Catholics give our love and devotion to Mother Mary. Please continue with your daily prayer for your families and friends. Please say an extra prayer for our First Holy Communion communicants and our 6th, 7th and 8th grade confirmation candidates. Their confirmation Mass with the Bishop will be June 18th at 10:30 am. The retreat, rehearsal and confession for all confirmation candidates start at 9am in the Fischer Center. Finally, this weekend, please join our Vietnamese parishioners and friends of the parish for our annual food sales from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon in the Fischer Center. PS. Please join me in extending our love, prayer and sympathy to Jayne Knipp’s family. Jayne passed to eternal life April 15 and a funeral Mass was celebrated at All Saints on Friday April 21. Thank you Jayne’s family for her memorial for All Saints Catholic Church and school. May she be with our Lord for all eternity. Love you all, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Thank you for being a member of our church family. Please know that you and your family are important to us. The children of our school are dependent on you, your love and faithful stewardship, to continue providing Catholic education to them and to those who will be attending our school in the future. Believe it or not, for many decades now, our church and school have been struggling financially; therefore, we have not been able to keep up with all the updates and demands, especially for our school’s roof and the heating and air. We are looking into the cost of replacing the current heating and air systems in the school. As of today, we don't have an estimated cost. I will surely let you know once I find out. Please pray for God's guidance and direction for all of us here at All Saints. We need more faithful parishioners who pray daily, attend Holy Mass weekly and tithe loyally. Thank you to the many donors and benefactors, especially those who used to attend All Saints Church and School. Please remember All Saints in your memorials, estates, and living will. Next weekend, our Vietnamese parishioners and friends of our parish will help us with fundraising food sales in the Fischer Center from Friday evening to Sunday noon. Please come to enjoy some good food and friendship and support our church and school. Always be loving and caring, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners, Happy Easter everyone with Jesus’ promise of eternal for you and your loved ones. Yes, we were all born into this life but none of us belong to this life forever for our true home is heaven with all the angels and saints and God. Please do all that you can each day to live your Catholic faith and share it among your family and friends. God intended for all of us to be saved, that is, to rise from the dead, a resurrection just as Jesus rose from the dead. Please be happy and be joyful today for the Lord has risen and our names are written in heaven for we all are children of God and are in Christ Jesus. Thank you for coming to Easter Mass today and please do so every Sunday, because every Sunday is the Lord’s Day, the day we Catholics celebrate Easter, the resurrection of Jesus.
Also, be good disciples of Jesus by being a faithful steward with your time, talent, and treasure here at All Saints, for the education and formation of our children and the salvation of all souls. Please help me in thanking our school teachers, volunteers and parish staff. We are blessed with many amazing people among us. They are here to love and to serve with you and me. See you at Mass, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Are you ready for Easter? Yes, it’s near. In union with the universal church, we along with over a billion faithful throughout the world celebrate Palm Sunday. On this special day, we will commit ourselves to live with Jesus in our hearts, minds and souls and to promise Him that we will be His true and faithful disciples. We will continue His loving and saving work as long as we live. Let us today live joyfully for the Lord is with us. As you enter our church for Holy Mass this weekend, please be sure to take a palm with you, they are available as you enter our church. Once these palms are blessed, please don't trash them but keep them in your home. Also, please don't trash our church or church areas. Penance Service: To prepare your bodies, minds and souls for Easter, please bring your family and friends to church this Sunday from 4-5pm with 6 priests hearing your confessions in church. The priest's name will be posted outside of his confessional room. As you enter the church through the main doors, the American priests will be on your left (choir side of the church) and the Vietnamese priests will be on the right side. Yes, all Vietnamese priests can speak English and Vietnamese. Please do your own examination of conscience, pray your Act of Contrition and do your penance in church. I will expose the Blessed Sacrament for adoration, so you are welcome to stay in church and pray as long as you please. When you go into the confessional to make your confession, please remember to confess your sins only and not the sins of the whole world or your spouse's or children's, grandparents', etc... Keep in mind too that many people are waiting in the confessional line for their opportunity to confess. It would be so kind of you if you would allow an elderly or disabled person to go to confession first. Finally, please don't talk or visit in church because you are in the house of God and the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for prayer and thanksgiving. FYI--First, we are looking into the possibility of putting roof top heating and air units on the entire school buildings and gym due to the current heating and cooling system being too old and unreliable and too expensive to maintain, too many problems!!!! We are checking to see how much it would cost for everything and how long it would take to install. Keep in mind that we are dealing with super old buildings and there is very limited space. I am sure the costs will be very expensive. Please pray for the Lord's guidance so that we as a church and school family may know what to do or not to do, and to keep our school going for the good of so many children. Secondly, we have done some concrete work around the church, on the east side of the church by the single door with the codes, this small area needed to be paved due to the high volume of rain water coming from the church’s and foyer’s roofs; we paved it so that the rain does not flush the soil away and cause this area to be dirty. Since we had extra concrete, we paved by the marble statue of St. Theresa, to keep grass away from the flower beds. Roses and mums will be planted there. Again, in front of the church office is a stage with steps for the Christmas display, and for our annual October Marian procession and adoration with the bishop, which will be Saturday, October 7th, this year. Please put this date in your calendar so that you can join our bishop, All Saints Catholic school families, and hundreds of people for lots of fun, food and activities. This stage will also be used before Mass on Sunday, June 18th, for our confirmation students, 6th, 7th and 8th grades students, to take their group picture with our bishop (Bishop does not want to take a group picture after Mass in church. He only wants individual pictures after Mass). This stage can also be used for many school outdoor events in the future. Again, the costs for these improvements are paid by the Vietnamese food sales, the many volunteer parishioners and the good hearted people. Thank you everyone for serving our Lord at All Saints with me. We are blessed to have each other and God has been so good to us all. God bless you all together and all of your loved ones with a Blessed and Happy Easter, frhien. PS. Please make every effort to attend the holy Masses and service on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. I promise you that I will keep it short and sweet like myself : ) |
AuthorFather Hien Nguyen Categories |
OFFICE Hours |
Telephone |
Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |