All Saints’ Parishioners,
Thank God for this day and all the days of our lives. Please know that as long as we live to love and to serve our Lord, we will never die. Thanks be to God who loves us all eternally and has prepared a special place for us in heaven for our eternal life with Him. Again, Fridays during Lent, please abstain from all meat. During Lent, please do your prayers, fasting and almsgiving for the love of God and for your salvation. 40 days of Lent can help you to be faithful disciples of Jesus and be that “good and faithful” steward for God. Heating and Air Project: Companies are working on different jobs such as shutting down the old system (electrical), removing asbestos pipes and cutting to remove the 12x14 steel blower system. For all these years, the heating and cooling came from the powerhouse, located south of the gym. The pipes are under ground that transport the heating and cooling to the church. This big blower in the church sent hot or cold air into the church. Altar Society: Congratulations to our altar society for being able to resume their ministries, especially serving meals to funeral families. Also, they were able to hold their annual retreat last Saturday. It sounds like they really enjoyed the retreat and the great food. Again, all ladies in the parish are welcome to join their ministry. All of them are still young at heart and fun to be around. Knights of Columbus Fish Fry: this Friday, March 11th in the Fischer Center starting at 5pm, everyone is invited to attend our annual fish fry. I was told that they will serve Vietnamese food too. Please know that our Knights want to serve everyone and to make everyone happy by doing this for us. Please come and support them this Friday and on Friday, April 1st. Congratulations to Jeff Logan who was elected as our new Grand Knight. I am looking forward to serving our parish with Jeff and enjoying his specialty in smoking meats. Happy pastor, happy parish, don’t you think? Blessed are those who live happily, for they will sleep well like a baby every night. I love you all, Fr. Hien Chaplain: Our parishioner, Vanessa Banh, a former chaplain for Via Christi, would like to volunteer her time for spiritual and emotional support. If you would like support such as prayers, words of encouragement, a compassionate listener, please contact her at 250-9147 Mon—Thurs, 1-5 p.m. Chị Vanessa Banh, là cựu Tuyên úy cho các bệnh viện. Chị tự nguyện, miễn phí, để giúp những ai cần lời cầu nguyện, lời động viên, hoạc một người để lắng nghe, bạn có thể liên lạc Chị với số phone trên. Xin hãy nhớ cầu nguyện cho sự hoán cải của trái tim, hòa bình thế giới và tất cả các linh hồn trong luyện ngục. Comments are closed.
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |