My Dear Parishioners,
Welcome to April. Have you been fooled by anyone yet? People might fool others for all kinds of reasons, and I am as guilty as anyone for I like to have some fun sometimes in life; however, God will never fool us for any reason. He is always true and is there for us and loves us unconditionally. God is always ready to love and forgive us so that we may know His perfect love for us today and for us to have eternal life. Please plan to attend our penance service on Sunday, April 10th from 4-5pm, in church with guest priests. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, please take a palm as you enter the church, to be blessed for you to take home. DMI (Disciple Maker Index): Any Catholic, 18 and older, is asked by our Bishop to take this online survey (please take a bulletin home and visit the website to take the survey). It’s an anonymous survey that takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. This data will be combined with other parishes in the diocese, to be presented to the Conference of Catholic Bishops in America. Of course, I will get to see this information to help me as the pastor. Thank you for your cooperation! Sympathy and Prayers: Unfortunately, many people have passed to eternal life recently. I have never seen so many deaths in such a short time in all the years I have been a priest. We had Americans, Vietnamese, and Filipino, too, pass away recently. One of our long time, faithful and generous parishioner, Michael Nally, passed away on Tuesday, March 22nd. We celebrated his life and entrusted him to our Lord on Monday, March 28th. Eternal life grant unto him and to all those who recently passed away, including the victims of war in the Ukraine. Heating & Air: The process has been slower than I expected due to many things, including: the long demolition process; the time needed to figure out more concretely how things should work; the laying out of the new transformers; and the best location for the 12 heating units to connect to the current duct work, after the old blower system and pipes are removed. There will be 12 heating units inside and 12 air units outside. Of course, license workers and engineers, and city inspections are part of the work. I love you all, Fr. Hien Comments are closed.
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |