Happy Mother’s Day weekend to all our moms. God bless our mothers and our families with His heavenly joy, peace, and happiness. Of course, may God bless us with good health and good relationships with each other. Please thank God each day for your parents and your family members. They are very important to each one of us, as we are all very important to them. Don’t let the devil tell you something different. It wants to destroy your lives and your families. It wants to keep you from being loved and loving one another. Don’t fall into this trap and eternal hell. Always trust in God like Mother Mary, always put on love like Jesus showed us, and everyday do hard work for our families like St. Joseph, the greatest model for all men, especially dads. May the Holy Family pray for us and our families until we are in heaven with them. Thank You: Thank you to all those who supported our annual food sale last weekend with your time, talent, and treasure. Thanks to Brother Knights, Altar Society ladies, and the many Vietnamese parishioners and friends of the parish. Yes, we did it and the food was super delicious, and many people had a great time. Thank you to so many good-hearted cookers preparing and cooking for us. We made $43,681.91 from the food sales, and all of it will go to our “Building Fund Account.” First Confession and Holy Communion: Students and parents are to attend the rehearsal this Saturday, May 7th at 9am, getting ready for the 4pm, First Holy Communion Mass. After Mass, I will take individual pictures with every child. I can’t wait to celebrate this special day with our children and your families. I love you all, Fr. Hien Comments are closed.
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
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