My Dear Parishioners, I love you all and may our Blessed Mother Mary continue praying and leading us to her beloved Son Jesus, so that we all may have life eternally in heaven. Please know that this month of October is the month of the rosary, praying to Mother Mary for the salvation of all souls, especially the souls of our deceased families and friends. It was Jesus who entrusted His beloved Mother to us as our spiritual Mother, to love us, to pray for us until we are all in heaven with Her. For this reason, God has been sending Mary to countless places throughout the world, places that have been identified and places that have not, so that she could bring God’s promise of divine love and salvation to all humankind. Mary is God’s instrument of His divine mercy, love, forgiveness, peace, and eternal life. Did you know that Mary also appeared in Vietnam to strengthen the Vietnamese Catholics during their many decades of persecution? Yes, our church of All Saints holds a special statue of Mary, our Lady of Lavang, so anyone can come to Mary for her intercession and love. Thank you: A special thanks to our Bishop Kemme, many guest priests and sisters from Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas, as well as thousands of people who are coming to All Saints, to celebrate our Catholic faith and to give our devotion and honor to our beloved Mother Mary at this Saturday’s special 3pm Mass and procession. It will be a beautiful gathering in church and celebration of our faith with our bishop. We, the people of All Saints Catholic church and school, are well loved because of our Catholic faith and our hospitality and service to one another, including toward those who are not Catholic. I am very proud of our children and all those who are helping with this large gathering. Thank you all for your generous gift of your time, talent and treasure that made this event possible. Finally, please sign up to have your family picture taken on November 1st-2nd—in the K of C hall, and finally 24th-25th—in the school. Your family picture will be ready for you and your family before Christmas. The 8x10 professional picture is free to you and to any family, including families that don't belong to our church or school. Please encourage your loved ones and neighbors to take this opportunity for a free family picture. No one must buy any picture if he/she wishes not to. Jesus loves us all, and I love you too, Fr. Hien Comments are closed.
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
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