My Dear Parishioners,
Blessings from our Lord be with you all. Please know that I love you and Mother Mary loves you and your loved ones too. Please never give up on your family but always pray for them. This is your best way of loving them, by giving them the gift of heavenly love and blessings from God. My goal in life is for me, my family, friends, and all of us to make it to heaven. Heaven is our eternal home with the perfect joy, happiness, peace with oneself and with one another, including with God and all the holy angels. Although I have not been to heaven, I always believe that heaven is there for me. I believe that God made me and you for heaven, to be with Him eternally. I hope that you love heaven too, so that you and I will be there after our earthly life is ended. Of course, I love my life since the day I was conceived to this day and of course when tomorrow comes, I will love it too. I do want to live here with you, my family and with everyone as long as I possibly can according to God's time. That's why I try to take good care of myself. I try to eat healthy, do plenty of physical work, sleep well every night, and pray daily for the salvation of our souls, mine included. I live to do God's will for me. I desire nothing more than to be blessed by God with the life in heaven. Daily, I admit that I was conceived, born, and live, a sinner; however, I trust God's divine love for me is greater than all my sins. I believe that His mercy endures forever. His eternal love will destroy all sins and death in you and me. I know that Jesus' prayer for me will be true, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." Finally, please know that I am at the diocesan clergy conference, and I have been praying for you all; for you are my treasures from God. Love you all, Fr. Hien Comments are closed.
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