My Dear Parishioners,
Are you happy? Happy Pentecost! After Jesus rose from the dead, He revealed Himself to His disciples and said to them, “Peace be with you.” He said “Peace” to them again and again until their hearts and minds were believers in God. Please know that if you really want to believe in God, receive God’s peace and live peacefully every day. God’s peace is always available for all of us in every moment. Please receive the gift of peace from God through blessings of the Holy Spirit. We all have received the Holy Spirit into our bodies, minds, and souls, especially on the day of our baptisms and confirmations. After this weekend of Pentecost, our liturgy will be the thirteenth week of the Ordinary Time. Now that school is out, we are entering the summer months. Please have a great summer and always enjoy your time with your children and grandchildren. Please enjoy them the way God made them for there are no two people the same. They are precious and sacred to God and to us all. Let us love one another as God loves us and live peacefully with them. The weather in Kansas has been wet which is good for farmers and gardeners but not for a lot of people. Please do not let the weather or the many unfortunate situations in this imperfect life take the best of you. Rather, live peacefully, joyfully, and happily. In this way you can avoid a lot of stress, depression, and sadness. Live well each day with God and with each other. This is my goal every day, to be with God and to be with others. For this reason, I always love to see people at Holy Masses. I love to celebrate Holy Masses with everyone. Of course, I love to send everyone home with God’s peace and love for themselves, their families and every person they encounter in their lives. I am happy to be a priest and I am blessed to a priest for 20 years on May 27th. My family came to celebrate my anniversary with me. I thank my parents for the gift of my life and the encouragement they gave me to enter the seminary when I was in high school. I would not have chosen this path if it had not been for them showing me the way. God should be the way for everyone in every vocation: religious, marriage, single, etc.…and sometimes we should listen to our parents for sometimes they know more than we do. Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Prayers and blessings from our Lord be with you all. Please join me in expressing our sympathy to the families of Michael Sowell, husband of Peggie, and Robert Gammon, spouse of Karen. These two gentlemen recently passed to eternal life. Let us pray for the repose of their souls and the blessings of God to their families during this difficult time of loss and sadness. May God ease their pains and bless them with the trust that they will see their loved ones again in God’s kingdom. Jesus, we entrust Michael and Robert to your divine mercy. It has been very quiet at All Saints in church and in school due to the pandemic. Please know that we do have daily Mass, Tuesday to Friday at 8am; weekend Masses are Saturday, 12noon and 8pm, and Sunday 8am in English. Sunday 8pm Mass is in Vietnamese. This is a temporary schedule due to the pandemic. We are slowly having more people come back to our weekend Masses. Let us pray that everyone will be safe and that we always live with Jesus in us. All Saints Catholic School: Congratulations to all our children for you have persevered and successfully advanced to the next grade and level of education, especially our eight graders to the high school level. We thank God for each and everyone of you and may God keep you safe through this summer. May you continue learning throughout this summer, especially from your parents and siblings. On behalf of our school parents and parishioners, THANK YOU to our All Saints’ teachers, volunteers and parish staff for your service and ministry to our church and school. We are blessed to have you and your stewardship. We love you all. We also give thanks to God for the men ordained to the deaconate and priesthood this week for our diocese. May they imitate Jesus our Lord, Savior and Redeemer, throughout their religious life to preach the good news and to bring God’s love to all people. For almost 30 years, this was the first time that I was not able to attend an ordination, due to the pandemic. Space was limited at the ordination Masses; therefore, I gave up my place so that the candidates can be with their immediate families who have been supporting them, loving them, and praying for them. Congratulations Brothers! Thank you, Jesus, for all those who love you and are willing to be you to others, Fr. Hien PS. I’m blessed to be a priest for 20 years on May 27th with my brothers, Fathers Joe Eckberg, Eric Weldon, and Joseph Tatro. My Dear Parishioners,
How are you doing during this pandemic crisis? Please do not let fear get the best of you. Always trust in our Lord Jesus. He is always with you and He can do all things for you. He loves you unconditionally in your good times and in bad, in your sickness and in health, etc.… You have nothing to lose for you have Jesus within you, all the time. Please join me in extending our prayers for the repose of the soul of Magdalena Sauerwein who recently passed to eternal life. We prayed for her in our church at her funeral Mass and at our last weekend masses too. We thank God for her and her family who were a big part of our parish. May she rest in peace eternally with our risen Lord Jesus. Our sympathy to her big family and many friends. It was so good to see many people at Holy Masses this past week. Again, attending Holy Mass is not obligated during this dangerous time. However, we are always to love God with all our hearts, minds and souls. We are to live joyfully, happily and saintly every day. When you come to Holy Mass, please feel free to sit yourself in the unblocked pews. You can sit as a family and come up together as a family to receive Holy Communion in one line. However, you are to be 6 feet away from those who are not in your household for social distancing. Holy Communion lines are about 6 feet apart around the altar area with signs that say “Holy Communion Here” next to a basket. You are welcome to place your donations in the baskets. Don’t forget to put your hands out to receive Holy Communion. We do have hand sanitizer by the doors, feel free to use some or bring your own to be used in church. You are also welcome to sanitize your seating area if you wish. You need to bring your own wipes. Please keep all chemicals out of children's reach. We will do our best to sanitize but there is no way that we can sanitize every spot of every handrail, kneeler, pew, door, etc.…after every person. Also, self-service for our church’s bulletins and free face masks are available in the foyer. I personally want to send my blessings to all mothers, especially those who did not make it to our Holy Masses last weekend. Please know that we are blessed to have you in our lives. We know that God loves us because of your precious gift of life to us all. Please continue loving us today as the day we were born. Thank you for your true love, Fr. Hien |
AuthorFather Hien Nguyen Categories |
OFFICE Hours |
Telephone |
Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |