My Dear Parishioners of All Saints Catholic Church & School,
Blessings from our Lord to you all. Please know that I am praying for the safety and good health of our students, teachers, staff, and all of you. Jesus told His disciples “do not be afraid.” May you never be afraid of anything or anyone for you will always have God with you. With God all things are possible. I want to thank you for being members of our church family, especially with your time, talent, and treasure. Please know that I love you and I love to worship with you. I hope and pray that you will always feel good, happy and at peace after you have received Jesus and His many blessings from Holy Mass. Did you know that we are super blessed here at All Saints? Two years in a row we have been able to pay the bills. God and many good-hearted people, including our government, were good to us. During this pandemic time, Mass attendance was low and financial contributions were very low too—there were weeks that we collected about half of the budget. We received a $193 thousand COVID-19 grant from the government to use towards salaries and utility bills. What a great aid to our church. Moving forward, we need everyone to trust in God with their stewardship. Please view the attached statement of your up-to-date contributions to our parish and the parish’s annual financial report. Please keep in mind that Catholic education is not free but a privilege for families that are faithful stewards. We are to be honest stewards. A special thank you to families that have been faithful stewards during this pandemic time. Thank you! If you can use the direct deposit method, you will help us reduce our costs. If you use other methods to give, please put them in the collection baskets during Mass, mail them, or put them in the drop box by the office door. New Mass times: After I consulted with our office staff and a group of daily Mass parishioners, with their support, I decided to change our weekend Mass times beginning Saturday, September 5th. New Mass times are on Saturdays at 12noon & 4pm in English, Sunday at 9am in English and 10:45am in Vietnamese. The reasons for the changes are to better accommodate our parishioners. During the summer months, Sunday 8am and 8pm masses are great because day light is longer; however, we are heading into the fall and winter months, when day light is short, cold/icy in the early morning and dark around 5pm. Many elders are limited to driving in the dark and ice and many young children need their evening time for homework and early bedtime for the next school day. Beginning Saturday, September 5th, when you come for Mass, please sit in the designated pews for the Mass time you attend. Section A is for those who attend Saturday 12noon and Sunday 9am Masses, and section B is for those who attend Saturday 4pm and Sunday 10:45am Masses. Please know that no decision is easy, nor any method is perfect. I apologize for any inconvenience due to these changes, including the Mass time changes. I am grateful for your understanding and the many sacrifices you have made for the good of others. God bless you and your loved ones with good health, many happy days together, heavenly peace and above all, the gift of heaven with our Lord when our earthly life is complete. Holy God, we praise thy name. Lord Jesus save us. Holy Mary pray for us. Holy Angels and Saints of God protect us from all sickness, harm, and danger. Love you all---Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Blessings from our Lord be with you all. Please know that we are preparing for the new school year. Only God knows what the future will be like for all of us worldwide, including our Catholic school. Let us trust in God and be open-minded to adjust to this new normal way of life with the COVID19 virus. Some people have been asking me whether we will have school Mass once school is started. My plan is yes, but not immediately, maybe a few weeks to a month after school has started. My prayer and hope are that everyone especially our students and teachers will stay healthy and well-adjusted to the new academic year, then I will have them in church for Holy Masses. My goal is to keep our children and teachers and especially our older parishioners safe or as safe as possible. My plan is to have one or two classes per day for Holy Mass. I will definitely seat them far/separate from the adult daily Mass parishioners. For the time being, please keep praying for the end of the pandemic and for the safety of everyone, especially our church family. Let us be safe, be smart and be thankful to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon us, our families, and our church. God bless our children and all those who love them and care for them, especially their parents and teachers. PS. Parents and grandparents, one of the most important and special gifts that you can give to your children and grandchildren is the gift of Catholic education. Catholic education provides an excellent education and the best formation of their bodies, minds, and souls that money can’t buy. When our children love God, they will love you and everyone in this life. Of course, they will be with God forever in heaven. Today, let us give them the gift of Catholic education and formation through your faithful stewardship of time, talent, and treasure, so that we will always have each other in this life and forever in heaven. Love you all, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Welcome back our teachers: Our dedicated teachers are in our buildings to get their lessons and classrooms ready to welcome our children for the new academic year. We are blessed to add one new teacher and a few new staff to our team. Of course, we are blessed with many new students this year. A special thanks to their parents for putting their trust in our Catholic School for the good of their children. Due to the pandemic, it has been a struggle for everyone worldwide, including in our school system. Let us be patient and pray to end the pandemic so that we all can go back to our normal way of life without fear and headaches. More details on our teachers, staff, and students will be coming soon. Special Thanks: To our beloved Altar Society for the generous $5,000 to help pay for the new roof of our Fischer Center and the church’s office building. The total cost for the projects was $18,000. Thank you also to Jim Wiesen Roofing for the discounted price. Jim loves to help others because he is a daily Mass attendant. Moreover, we were also blessed with another $5,000 from a non-parishioner family. This special family used to attend All Saints Catholic church and school. One weekend, they happened to attend one of our weekend Masses and were pleased with what is happening at All Saints. They decided to give us a big check after they read my letter in the bulletin about putting the new roof on the Fischer Center. Of course, I was so happy for our church and wrote to them, thanking them on your behalf. Yea, we are so blessed here at All Saints! Finally, thank you everyone for your love, thoughts, and prayers for our church’s family. Please know that we need your daily prayers, especially for our children, teachers, and parish staff as we are about to enter a new school year with so many uncertainties due to the pandemic. Our mission is to worship, evangelize, love, and educate our children. I trust that with your prayers, we will know when to put on our brakes when necessary. I know that the Holy Spirit is with us, to lead us and to guide us into the way of love and life. Peace and good health to you all, Fr. Hien 😊 My Dear Parishioners,
How are you doing? I am doing well today but last weekend I was quite tired due to the two extra Masses we had in our church for the parishioners of St. Margaret Mary. Bishop celebrated the Holy Confirmation Masses in English and Spanish. I was very happy to see four of my brother priests who concelebrated. I also got to visit with our bishop too. He looked very happy and healthy. I hope and pray that you are too. Please be safe, healthy, and happy. When you come to church, wear a mask when you are talking to someone or stay at least six feet away. As you come forward to the altar area to place your donation in the basket and to receive Holy Communion, please remember to stand at the communion sign/basket by yourself, except if you are together as a family, living in one house, then you can line up as one line---one person in front of the other. I will give Holy Communion to your entire family/household before I will move to the next communion station. Please stand as close as you can to the communion sign/basket. Extend your hand forward so that I can place Jesus in the palm of your hand. Do not close your hand until I am done giving Jesus to you. Please receive Jesus reverently with your heart, mind, and soul. Jesus loves to be loved by you. PS. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on a weekend this year; therefore, it is not a holy day of obligation. Love you all, Fr. Hien |
AuthorFather Hien Nguyen Categories |
OFFICE Hours |
Telephone |
Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |