My Dear Parishioners,
Are you ready for October? October is a special month for us Catholics as we give greater love and devotion to our Mother Mary. Thank you to our faithful parishioners who have been leading the rosary before every Mass, weekdays and weekends too. The reason we pray the rosary before Mass is to give our devotion to Mother Mary and to ask her intercession for us and our families. Of course, we also need her help so that we too may worship God and her Son, Jesus, with all our heart, mind, and soul. Yes, we all can benefit from the love and prayers of all the angels, saints, and Mother Mary. Please keep praying the rosary daily, especially those of you who are retired, for the conversion of us sinners and for the salvation of all souls. Pray a rosary also for the end of war and abortion that have killed millions of innocent people, born and yet to be born. Saturday, October 1st, is the feast day of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, or St. Thérèse of Lisieux. She was known for her life of holiness, doing all things with love and childlike trust in God. Not only that, but she also poured out her heart to love all people, especially the poor and those who didn’t care for her. We are blessed to have a marble statue of her for our church and school. Thank you to an anonymous parishioner for the statue. I am working to pave an area outside to place her so that anyone can come and pray to her. Church flooring: Thank God for the new flooring of our church. It really dresses up our church and modernizes it. At this point we are pretty much done with the church. The reasons it took so long was the areas along the wall were hard to do; we replaced some of the old vinyl molding; we screwed down all the pews; and we painted under the steps around the altar area. Thank you to all those who volunteered for all this detail work. FYI: is where we purchased our Shaw, luxury vinyl plank, loose lay, for our church. Also, we have been pressure washing the outside of our church since it has not been cleaned for years. I am glad to be here to serve our Lord and church with you all, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Are you ready for Autumn? This Thursday, September 27th is the beginning of Autumn and yes, it’s one of my favorite times of the year. Autumn, I like the cooler weather and the changing colors in the leaves. Also, deer season will begin so I can be out in nature more often. Please know that God loves you and God will always be good to you, day or night, in peace or at war, summer or winter, fall or spring. In God there is no time and no limit of His eternal love for all of us, born and to be born, healthy or sick, free or imprisoned. Let us always trust in God and love Him today with our love for Him in nature and in one another. Again, a special thank you to all those who helped our parish by removing the old carpet in church as well as those who helped install the new vinyl. I was amazed how much work we got done together. Our church looks much brighter and nicer because of your hard work. The old carpet in our church has been there so long and it was long overdue, perhaps 10 years ago. Due to age, most areas were discolored and faded with many cracks due to ground settlement. For many of these reasons, years ago, carpet was installed on the altar and in the aisles. The carpet in the foyer was installed when the new addition was built and that was in the late 90’s. FYI: is where we purchased our Shaw, luxury vinyl plank loose lay for our church. As a church family, let us continue to work together to improve our church and facilities, one day at a time and one project at a time. Thank you on behalf of everyone from our church family, thank you for your prayer and support for our church. If you would like to donate to this project, please memo your check or envelope as “church flooring.” Love you all, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
9-11 is here again so we are gathering in church this weekend to pray for all the victims of 9-11 and their loved ones. I am like most of you, I still remember the day and what happened on that day, where I was at and how terrified everyone in America was. It was a sad day for America and all those who live in it. All those who were born after the tragedy of 9-11 need to learn what happened and how evil people attacked America so that together we must continue fighting against all evil - locally and globally. What happened on that day was also a sign to us that we need to keep America safe with our loyalty to America and to always pray for our country, including those who are serving in the military and armed forces. This weekend, we will pray for each other and may God bless all victims with eternal life. May we also learn to forgive our enemies so that we will receive all the blessings from God. Those who forgive much, much will be forgiven by God. God bless America and I love you all, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Happy Labor Day weekend. God bless you and our beloved country as we all celebrate this special day. We give thanks to God for all the love and sacrifices that millions of Americans have made for our country and for the good of the whole world with their time, talent, and treasure. Yes, America is a stewardship country, where people share and contribute skills and talents and finances with each other. We are known to be the most generous nation on earth and the most financially blessed nation. America provides equal opportunity for everyone in America to work, to be educated and to contribute. Let us pray that everyone living in America always loves her and strives to be the best Americans they can be before God and to one another. Please pray also for our government so that they will act with justice, peace, and dignity for every human being, both born and yet-to-be-born Americans. God bless America and all those living in it, Fr. Hien |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
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