My Dear Parishioners,
Are you ready for November? Many things will happen in November. First, please remember to attend the Feast of All Saints on Friday, November 1st. Obligated Holy Masses are Thursday at 6:30pm and Friday at 12noon and 6:30pm. We will need all the help for these Masses as we would for Sunday Masses such as greeters, ushers, servers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, musicians... Second, on Saturday, November 2nd, at our 4pm Mass, we will pray especially for all the faithful departed—all souls, including those among our families and friends who have passed to eternal life. After Mass, everyone is invited to the Fischer Center for our parish feast day supper. Food will be provided; more details are in the bulletin. Third, please turn your clock back one hour on Saturday night, November 2nd, so that you will not be in church by yourself the next day for Mass. Fourth, new parishioner registration forms are in the pews. If you have not registered with All Saints, please know that we would love to have you and your family with us. Please complete the registration form and place it in the collection basket during Mass or send/drop it to the church office as soon as you can. Everyone in All Saints Church’s boundary are to register at All Saints. In the gathering area, we post all the names of those who are currently registered with All Saints. If your name is not on it, then you are not yet registered. Please fill out a form so that we can add you into our system. We need your email too so that we can communicate with you and send you important information about our church and school. Thank you for your commitment to All Saints. Please know that as a member of All Saints parish, you’ll help us continue our good deeds to God, our worshiping to God and our providing of Catholic education to God’s little children. All Saints has formed and educated thousands and thousands of people for generations and we will continue doing so with your love and support. Thank you for registering with us! Fifth, the highlight of November is to celebrate Thanksgiving with our loved ones. God bless our families. Finally, we will hold our annual stewardship renewal in November & December. Let us pray that everyone will follow Jesus with their hearts, minds and souls. Everyone has been empowered by the Holy Spirit to be fully alive as missionary disciples of Jesus Christ to the world. Love you all, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
I hope and pray that you are doing well and that you truly love your Catholic Faith. I also hope that you love our All Saints church and chapel. They are truly beautiful houses of God, places of peace, love and prayers to God and to the angels and saints. We are blessed with so many statues in our church so that people can be with Jesus, Mother Mary, and the many angels and saints. I have noticed that many people love to light a candle for their intentions. Do you know that we burn about 100 cases of candles in a year? That’s a great sign of our faith and trust in God, and our help from Mary and the saints. PS. Please do not light candles during Mass so that you will not disrupt anyone in church. Mass is not over until Father and the servers have left the altar. Our candles are blessed and will burn up to 7 days. Personally, I have heard so many happy comments from many people. They love what we have and the devotions at All Saints, including the statues. They love that we pray the Holy Rosary before every Mass. They love that our All Saints children attend daily Mass and give their devotion to Mother Mary. Let us give thanks to God for all the good He has done for us through the good-hearted people in our church family. Now that we have a Holy Family statue in our church, you may want to use this special Holy Family prayer to pray for your family until everyone in your family is in heaven. Holy Family Prayer: Lord Jesus, Son of God and Son of Mary, bless our family. Graciously inspire in us the unity, peace, and mutual love that you found in your own family in the little town of Nazareth. Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus and Our Mother, nourish our family with your faith and your love. Keep us close to your Son, Jesus, in all our sorrows and joys. Saint Joseph, Foster-father to Jesus, guardian and spouse of Mary, keep our family safe from harm. Help us in all times of discouragement or anxiety. Holy Family of Nazareth, make our family one with you. Help us to be instruments of peace. Grant that love, strengthened by grace, may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which our families sometimes pass. May we always have God at the center of our hearts and homes until we are all one family, happy and at peace in our true home with you. Amen. Finally, as you know, we have been counting Mass attendance during this month of October. It is the bishop’s desire to have this done in every church. Thank you to those who have been helping with this process. We are blessed with many hands and good-hearted people in our church family. God, we love and He alone we serve. God, we love you, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
It’s our Catholic tradition to have statues in church to remind us of the holy angels and saints that are with God and with us. Angels and saints have loved God since the day God created them. God even entrusts His holy angels to every person on earth, to protect us from the devils and to guide us to heaven. Saints were born and lived like us, as sinners, but because they loved God so much, others so much and their Catholic faith so much, now they are with God for eternity in complete joy, happiness and peace. Please know that every time you enter a Catholic Church, you enter God’s holy house with His Holy Angels and Saints. They are in church to adore Jesus in the tabernacle. They also join us in singing and praising at the Holy Mass. So please, do not talk in church, especially after Mass. All conversation should be in the gathering area. About a year ago, someone came to me with the interest of donating a statue for our church. The person reminded me again last July, so I started working on this project and ordered the statues. I chose the Holy Family because I want everyone to imitate the Holy Family, that is to love God and to love their own families. I firmly believe that God gave us each other so that we may love each other and live eternally with God in heaven together. Let no family be separated from each other in this life or in the next. Why the statues of Saints Peter and Paul? Wow, they were Jesus’ beloved disciples. Peter was given the divine faith in Jesus and built His Catholic Church upon Peter’s faith that was given to him by God the Father. Jesus also assigned Peter’s successor, the pope, to lead us to eternal life with the infallible teachings. Saint Paul at first was a stranger and persecutor of Jesus’ community; however, Jesus revealed Himself to Paul and he became the greatest evangelizer of the Gospel to the world. These holy statues were blessed during Holy Mass with our All Saints students on Wednesday, October 9th. After every Mass, our children pray to the saint of the day, All Saints and to Mary with the Memorare prayer. Now they can look at Jesus, Mary and Joseph when they pray for their families. Thank you to the generous donor of these statues and the donor of the security lock for the southwest door of our church. The statues beautify our church and help us to be like the angels and saints; the security lock makes it convenient for those coming to church and keeps us safer during Holy Mass. Thank you! Finally, there will be no daily Mass from October 14-25, as I will be attending two priests’ conferences. Fr. Doug Campbell will hear confessions and celebrate our Saturday 4pm Mass on October 19th. Please pray for my safe travels. Love you all, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Holy Mary pray for us sinners now and at the hour our death, Amen. Every Catholic knows how to pray the holy Rosary. Mary promised that anyone who would ask for her help with their good intentions, she would help them by praying for them before God. She will never turn away from anyone who asks her for her intercession. This Monday, October 7th is the feast of Our Lady of the holy Rosary, please give your devotion to our Mother, especially throughout this month of October that’s dedicated to the holy Rosary. When you pray, please remember all priests, living and deceased, in your prayer. All priests need your love and prayer. All priests are in need of God’s guidance and blessings every day to be true priests for His people, to lead them to Jesus for His merciful love, blessings and eternal life. Every priest needs to focus on his salvation and the salvation of others; therefore, he must believe in what he preaches and practice what he teaches. Do you know that all priests are human like everyone else? Sometimes we are lazy, drunken, greedy, problematic to others, etc.… Sometimes we even celebrate the Holy Sacraments with many distractions in our minds, and are even heartless sometimes. The devil tempts every priest as much or even more than he would tempt others. Please know that priests are weak people in many ways, we do fail in our words and deeds. Priests have addictions too. For the love of Jesus, I ask everyone to pray for all priests—living and deceased, especially through the intercession of Mother Mary. Priests need God’s blessings and everyone’s love and forgiveness too. On the behalf of all my brother priests, local and worldwide, living and deceased, please forgive us for the times we have failed you or someone you may know, including the sins of hate and of molestation, etc.… All priests are in need of God’s mercy and everyone’s forgiveness so that they can be loved again. Please forgive us so that we may be your priests and friends again. Have you made new friends this week yet? Let us open our hearts and hands to be friends with everyone, the old and the young, the healthy and the sick, the rich or the poor, and of course we can be friends with sinners too so that we may love them and forgive them. That was what Jesus did and He wants us to imitate Him. It is only in this way that God would forgive each one of us our sins through human weakness. Jesus, Mary & Joseph, love us and pray for us sinners, Fr. Hien My Dear Parishioners,
Happy Fall! Yes, the Fall season is here for us to enjoy and to see the work of God in nature. Please breathe in the fresh air and give thanks to God for your life, your loved ones and God’s promise of eternal life to all those who love Him and each other. October is the most beautiful time of the year for me. I enjoy the cooler weather with no bugs, flies, etc.…outside. I also love the golden colored leaves of October. Also, October is also a good time to go fishing. Fish must feed before winter, so go fishing, my friends. Catch them and enjoy them with your family. I can’t wait for the end of October/beginning of November for the deer rut will start, and I can call in the big bucks. It’s so fun and amazing to see how bucks behave during the rut. The downside is driving during the rut season, especially at dusk and dawn. Deer will come from nowhere and run into vehicles. Please be careful driving during the rut. Please join me in thanking our Knights of Columbus for their loving ministry in our parish. Year round, they provide coffee, donuts, milk and juice after Sunday Masses. I always look forward to their coffee and donut times so that I can have some too. I also love to see parishioners getting together over a cup of coffee and visiting with each other. I love to tease them too. Please join us for a cup of coffee; life is short so we should spend time with others. Two weeks ago, our Knights went an extra mile to serve us breakfast. That was so wonderful of them. I don’t think many people have come to appreciate what our Knights have done for us. Please remember that we are one church family; we are to support each other and to enjoy our friendship. These are golden opportunities for us to be a church family. On the behalf of my brother Knights, a special thank you to those who have pre-ordered BBQ to support them this weekend. It’s a win-win situation for our Knights and for you. You’ll have some good food to eat and you will also support our Knights. Thank you! Finally, please pray daily for your loved ones. Don’t forget to pray for our children at All Saints Catholic School, our children in our PSR program and those who are preparing themselves for their sacrament of Confirmation in March. Thank you to our teachers and helpers for educating and forming our children into persons of Jesus Christ. Truly appreciated and blessed to have you all, Fr. Hien |
AuthorFather Hien Nguyen Categories |
OFFICE Hours |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |