My Dear Parishioners,
Please join me in thanking God, our beloved teachers, and staff of All Saints’ church and school for a blessed and successful academic year. We concluded our school year on Thursday, May 27th. Throughout this pandemic year, we survived the virus and were able to move forward with our mission of forming and educating the children entrusted to us. Yes, God was super good to us for He kept all of us safe, healthy, and always able to center our everyday life on Jesus, especially in our worship, prayer services and the prayers we said throughout the day in our classrooms. We prayed for one another, especially for the victims of the virus, and Mrs. Duke, when suddenly, our Lord called her to Himself. May Mrs. Duke and all our loved ones be with our risen Lord for eternal life. Another special person from our church and school that we need to appreciate is Mr. Jerry Richardson. Mr. Richardson has been a faithful member of our church and worked in our school for so many years. Jerry will officially retire on July 2nd from his job. As many of you know about Jerry, he will never retire from serving God at All Saints’ church and school. He is that dedicated and committed to his faith and the children of our parish. Thank you, Jerry, for your true love and stewardship to our parish. God bless you in your retirement to grow in holiness and to have more time with your family. Reminder from Bishop: every Catholic is obligated to observe and to attend the Lord’s day of Holy Masses beginning next weekend, June 5/6. If you have a medical/special condition that requires a special dispensation from attending Sunday’s Mass for the time being, please contact me so that I can visit with you and give you some guidance. We cannot forget that Sunday is the Lord’s day, “Thou shall keep Holy the Sabbath,” third commandant in the Law. Finally, please join me in thanking God for my 21 years of priesthood on May 27th. We also thank God for the newly ordained priests for our diocese on Saturday, May 29th. On Memorial Day, Monday, May 31st at 10am, please join me for an outdoor Mass at Cavalry Cemetery. We are expecting about 300-400 people to attend. If the weather is not favorable, we will move the Mass to our church. Let us thank God for our deceased loved ones, especially those who laid down their lives for our faith and freedom. PS. We are super proud of our confirmation students for their faith and love for the Holy Trinity. God bless them all, Fr. Hien Comments are closed.
AuthorFather Hien Nguyen Categories |
OFFICE Hours |
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Parish Office: M-F 9am - 3pm
School Office: M-F 8am - 4pm |